@hendrix22's Steemit Exclusive Collaborative Band Sign Up - Calling All Musicians With Home Recording Gear!

What's Up Guys & Gals!

@lyndsaybowes and I recently were able to purchase a small but effective home recording audio interface. Last night we played around a little and recorded a quick guitar and vocal track for @lyndsaybowes. It turned out really well and we sent it to @davidfar to add some more instruments and mix and master it. Ok, I will get to my point now.

What I'm looking to accomplish

I'm looking to work together to a lot of different musicians on Steemit to create a really interesting album. I would like to get together as many people as I can to work on this. I want to create a 10-15 song album consisting of many mdifferent members with different ideas. I'll provide a list of all the required musicians that I will need.

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Band Members Required

Lead Vocalists
Backup Vocalists
Lead Guitarists
Rhythm Guitarists
Electric Bass Guitarists
Upright Bass Players
Other Stringed Instruments (Violins, Cello's etc)
Piano Players
Synth & Keyboardists (Really hope someone has a Moog)
Brass Section
Lyric/Poem writers are welcome as well
any other weird instruments will also be accepted

What to do

Please sign up in the comments section what instrument or instruments you play and if you play more the one please list them in the order that you would prefer them. After the signup is complete I will know where we stand as far as how I will organize the band.

The album's concept

The album will be centered around an "Activists/Peace" theme. All songs will be about real life, activism, peace, change etc to spread awareness and make the world a better place.

I would like to see what kind of response I get to this and how many people sign up before I describe the structure of the songs etc.. and all other info.

Look forward to working with you all.

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