Power of Music - It can heal you

Even before king David,the kings of old must have employed musicians to soo the and heal them during timers of stress and illness.

The healing power of music has been expressed throughout the centuries,from the strumming of ancient harps and flutes,to the pure voice sung in chants and folk song music has no bounds when it creates the sound to heal and mellow the soul.

The legacy of this survives every generation through history and is expressed through the hearts and deeper feelings in the people from almost every culture,ancient and modern.

Sound and music copied with a pure heart and clear soul activates the principles of healing.

Our world without music of any kind or generic is inconceivable.Our earth has given birth to singers,musicians and composers who have attained mastery in the arts of healing music from the golden days.Throughout the centuries,right upto our time.


what dintinguisher "healing music" from other musical forms?In one word "SPIRITUALITY".In a few words : Music created from the soul to and for the soul.And nothing can takes its place in the world.

So I think you will like my thinking about music and if you like please dont forget to upvote it . And I promise I will make sure that the 1st upvote on your post is always from mine.


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