Record Of The Day - The Orb - U.F.Orb


U.F.Orb is the second album by ambient house pioneers The Orb, originally released back in 1992. It's a wonderful chilled-out dubby affair that can help you while away the hours with ease.

I'll kick start this post by playing you one of my favourite tracks from the album - Towers Of Dub...

I first came across The Orb when somebody played me Little Fluffy Clouds. It was the combination of 'What were the skies like when you were young?', matched with Steve Reich and Ennio Morricone that really spiked my interest.

I've seen The Orb about three of four times in different situations, most recently a couple of years ago at a small venue near to my home. It was a very intimate gig, and I managed to take these photos...




I love the anything goes sampling ethos around The Orb, and other dub / hip-hop genres, that can inspire creativity, and bring new life to older music. Here's a few tunes, showing a musical journey.

Starting with a roots reggae tune from 1986, check out the vocal at the beginning...

And here's the Mad Professor, using Aisha's vocal in a new dub...

And lastly, The Orb take it in a new direction with their epic Blue Room (You might have to wait a while for the vocal...

And so on to the vinyl (I almost forgot why I was here), here's a few photos of my copies, it's in pretty good shape, a few splits to the sleeve, but it sounds amazing...






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