Screenshot 2018-03-03 19.56.11.pngOverview of the song as a whole.

This another random electro/80s

sort of thing I did the other night. I was actually just experimenting with using some synth tones as a rhythm section in parts, and wound up adding a little layer of extra harmony to it. Not sure if this one is "album" worthy, but it was fun to mess around with, and the theory behind any song can be interesting, no matter how simple, so let's get into that!

Listen to KNEE DEEP here.

First track is the drums,

which start out with just a basic beat, snare on the 3, but the hihats are pretty weird. They're 32nd notes, and a few 64th notes lol, which gives that weird buzzy/snapping sort of effect when played in a sequence. After the first 8 measures, we add a cowbell on the upbeats, and then after another 4 bars, we add an additional clap sound. Thats basically it, just repeats in total twice. Track 2 is a basic synth sound, which plays some high C 64th note trills (which also have the same sort of timbre as the hihats) and a low C. Pretty basic, and just repeats for the whole track, while the drums and Track 3 build up around it.

Screenshot 2018-03-03 19.56.36.pngTrack 3 as described below.

Track 3 is the bass line,

which begins with a pretty straight forward rhythm, just playing a low C, then we begin to add another layer, playing Eb, D, and C an octave above. A third melody line comes in an octave above that, adding even more notes, basically filling in the gaps between notes more and more. The third melody portion repeats twice, before we repeat everything once more. Track 4 is the saw synth with the 1/16th note rhythm. It begins with the bass playing a low C for 4 measures, but then we play a progression, changing notes every 8 beats, playing Ab, F, Eb, F, G, and ending on Bb before repeating itself.

Listen to KNEE DEEP here.

Track 5 was one of the initial tones

I was playing around with using more rhythmically. It sounds like a piece of metal, or a bubbly sort of tone, which plays faster depending on the pitch of the note played. So, it plays a low C, G then a higher C every 4 measures halfway into each section. Basically just adds another layer of weirdness on the top hehe. Track 6 swells in volume at the end of each 8 bar section. It's a strange, digital sort of sound that beeps off into the distance. Basically just used it to build up into each 1/4 of the song. Track 6 only plays 1 chord, at the beginning and halfway point of the track. It's just a super reverby-80s synth sound, and is just used to accent the 1st and 17th measure.

Screenshot 2018-03-03 19.57.01.pngTrack 5, as described above.

Hope you enjoyed the song and the theory info! This was just a silly sort of creation, I have been recording some more "serious" guitar stuff lately, so I'll be sharing that as soon as I've got a track or two ready! Thanks for the support, as always!

Buy an ALBUM of mine here!

I. The Supple Krew Soundcloud

II. Grapthar 2017 Soundcloud

III. Grapthar 2018 Soundcloud

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