Rats: I can't get this song out of my head

I don't want to get it out of my head actually.. i hope it stays there for a while. Ghost has really made a winner here even though it is unlike anything they have done before.


I know that I previously wrote an article about the band GHOST but this time I am going to focus on the fact they seem to be overhauling their entire ambiance, and normally I hate when bands do this. I was one of the people that did NOT like it when Metallica tamed down their music to appeal to a wider audience with the wildly popular black album. I stayed up past midnight to catch their new single "Enter Sandman" and hated it!

If you had told me a year ago that Ghost was going to release a video where the singer is doing a dance number in a video i would have called you crazy since nearly all of their stuff is Gothic and spooky. Even their stage presence was one of very little movement - probably because it likely isn't very easy to do pirouettes while wearing Pope outfits.

whaddaya mean you can't break-dance while wearing 5 blankets?

It is also already difficult enough for the musicians to play while wearing masks and it is crucial they continue to do so since "no one" knows who any of the members actually are.

Steve? is that you in there?

The band has insisted they will not break character and it is easier for them to focus on the music being awesome if the fans are never actually able to identify them. There have been multiple instances where they were mistaken as roadies and have actually come close to being kicked out of their own shows because even security doesn't know what they look like. Do you prefer red or yellow watermelons? Discuss this briefly in the comments for a high-strength upvote. At signings every member stays in character and the singer signs only his initials (previously P.E. and now C.C.,) the "nameless ghouls" sign only their symbol of "fire, water, wind, earth, or ether."

I wonder how much it drives them crazy... I mean, they probably really want to tell their friends they are in one of the world's most amazing metal bands.

At the end of their last tour the singer was changed to Cardinal Copia, the 4th singer of the band. Previous to that all the singers had been of the same bloodline spanning back thousands of years, according to Ghost lore. There was some controversy surrounding Cardinal Copia's appointment because he is not of the bloodline, but he was assigned anyway because he had won "the second most employee of the month awards."

Here is the video in question that has me so excited about next month's new album.

So if you are a fan of Ghost, are you happy about this apparent change? Are you disappointed? For me anyway, if "Rats" is any indication of the quality of music that is going to be on the rest of the new album entitled "Prequelle," they can do whatever they want with their stage presence including adding dance numbers.

As always, i welcome your comments, even if they are mean.

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