Writing Prompts - help from the community?

So, like I have stated in previous posts I am a musician. Have been for more than half of my time here on earth. I love everything about music; conception, writing, performing, recording, gear, etc...

(Photo by my good friend Jon Saxon)

I am currently in the process of renovating a shop to be the new home of late night jams, writing sessions, & recording a new album.

This is where I ask for help.

1 - If it is allowed by the community I would love to have some writing prompts thrown out. Doesnt have to be a complete idea, just a place/viewpoint to get started.

2 - I'd like to ask for this post to be resteemed for the sake of visibility. Once again, don't know if that kind of thing is discouraged here. If so, please tell me.

3 - I think it would be cool to feature a song soon written off of one of these potential prompts. I would LOVE it actually.

Let me know what you guys think. As I am terrible at the business of selling myself I can assure you this is all in the name of good old creativity.

Here is a link to my latest effort if you are interested or if it helps with any ideas.

Until next time,

  • FunkyAutomatic
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