My Little Brown Book

John Coltrane (tenor sax), Duke Ellington (piano), Aaron Bell (bass) and Sam Woodyard (drums). From the album Duke Ellington & John Coltrane (1963).

I remember that in my childhood I had a little brown book in which all kinds of stories were told. There they all were: Little Red Riding Hood, the three Little Pigs, Pinocchio, Cinderella, The Little Prince, The cat with boots, Tom Thumb... But what I liked the most was when my father told me the stories before going to sleep. There were also poems, but not comics or coloring pages. The tales come from stories and songs transmitted orally that adults shared with their children in antiquity. Unfortunately, I lost the book in a move and I never heard from it again.

Ellington begins with a melody that seems out of classical music. Coltrane introduce his solo at a slow pace that corresponds to a ballad. He use clear and separate notes to make sure they are understood perfectly. His words are sincere and lead to peace and tranquility. He continues with his second chorus inviting to introspection and meditation. He suggests to you to reflect on life in a positive way. And Ellington say to us goodbye thoughtfully.


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