Hello out there! Leaving this here, so this will be my 1st post

I'm currently studying graphic design in Southern California and on my free time I attend concerts in the greater Los Angeles area. I'm in full-swing at college now so I have not gone to many shows lately. A hobby that I enjoy is recording concerts, otherwise known as bootlegging or taping shows.

My earliest recording was from Thirty Ought Six live at Lollapalooza in 1996 using a cassette recorder. Since then I upgraded to a Minidisc recorder in the early 2000s and now to a SD card based audio recorder that definitely needs to be replaced soon.

I store my bootlegs on a server and I do not sell these recordings but freely upload them for fans. I'm new to steemit and I'm trying to figure a way to bring and share my recordings to steemit.

Here's my website/blog: http://darshun.com
My ugly coded website that needs a lot of work is: http://el1011.com

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