Tupper Ware Remix Party

Ninja Sex Party.

Who has heard of them? I really want to know.
If you haven't, you have now!

Tupper Ware Remix Party, also known as TWRP (not to be confused with the Android recovery), drove my body into motion.
I'm not a dancer. I'm not pleasant to watch when I move to music. Maybe I just have low self-esteem.

I moved like no one was watching.

That's a big thing for me.

Back to TWRP!

Their style draws deep influence from the 80s and 90s. They wear spandex and masks. They play their instruments like gods. If you have an affinity for the aforementioned decades' music, you gotta check them out.

I'm not affiliated. I'm a fan, as of a day ago.
Their bandcamp site!

I cried at this concert. NSP and TWRP are worth a listen because they love what they do.

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