Happy Birthday Zak Ludick <3 Lover (Taylor Swift) Cover: Feat. Claire Mobey

Taken Last night at Zak's 1st birthday braai for the week!

I made this video a year ago to wish my very special @ZakLudick a happy birthday. I remember clearly how I felt at the time, overcome with emotion as we embarked on our hunt for our very own home.

It was a MUCH bigger struggle than we could have possibly imagined, but we have literally - through blood sweat and tears - MADE IT.

Here we are, a year later, as in love as ever, in our own home and we leave the Christmas lights up ALL YEAR.

I love you so much. Thank you for everything you to for fellow hivers here on @Ecency, especially the newbies: your guides are just fantastic - A Guide for the new Hive Students of 2022 - What to post about? - and for everything you do for our family.

Happy Birthday Love

@jasperdick @lex-zaiya @stevemuis @pixelhuntersam @loadreaper @michieme @merenludick @aimeludick @matthew-williams @opoc85 @kahunakoala @matthewjohnroux @joetunex @alonicus @braaiboy @joanstewart @cryptothesis @new.things @therneau @jusipassetti @hopestylist @consciouscat @maccazftw @edycu007 @kylehighclub

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