The Most Important Rock Albums in Music History and WHY?

My Book series "Lightning In a Bottle" on the Most Important Rock Albums in Music History has been released!

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I am very much looking forward to our interview tomorrow (Friday January 5 2018) with Mark Devlin from the UK who is the author of the Book "Musical Truth",
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He is One of the best researchers about the truth of our world that we have encountered to date. His ability to connect the dots and decipher it all and share it in a very linear fashion is amazing!
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He's the one on the Right!

We will be on his podcast
chatting about my Book series, Music, the Music Industry, and Societal control.



What most people simply don't understand is that ALL Mainstream artists face PRESSURE all of the time. It is what their masters desire. When artists live under a steady steam of pressure, their inspirations lessen, their passion subsides, and thus their desire to achieve excellence weakens. In short, most artists slowly succumb to this mirky reality of mediocrity, which DEFINES our current society. However, when the Music Industry opened the floodgates in the mid-Sixties to create the necessary "supply" of artists to fill the ever-growing "demand" from the public, all sorts of brave, pure, creative, authentic souls entered in to this bizarre world of Satanic control.


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Ever since those days, the record industry has fought an unfair battle to reclaim their mastery over EVERY SINGLE ARTIST! The result? The genius of the Sixties and Seventies in Rock and Roll was reduced by the Eighties into a bland, puerile and soulless reality of "Digital Rock", where OBEDIENCE was the goal, not talented musicians creating complex forms of art imagery, known as Albums. Thus, the most honest, authentic music ever created in the history of our Pop culture was reigned in and then neatly re-packaged, for a price, as CLASSIC ROCK.
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Classic Rock...I still can't stop laughing over this euphemism...what they are telling you, right to your face, in plain sight, is that this music represents everything that the human race was meant to stand for...Excellence, Creativity, Integrity, Honesty, and a real Connection between the artist and their fans.


This no longer exists. Mainstream Musicians live in an illusory world FAR ABOVE the masses, and from their Ivory Towers they look down and laugh at our gullibility and stupidity...pissing down their mediocrity and absence of any real morality or talent upon our heads. Welcome to the world we now live in! My book series was 7 years in the making, and day after day I sat down at my Mac and wrote...from my Heart...from the depths of all my experiences in Music and Business, and from my Soul.


These 150 albums represent not only the finest music composed and recorded in the history of Rock and Roll, but the most HONEST and IMPORTANT collection of lyrics. These artists risked their livelihoods, indeed their LIVES by creating these albums, and some of them did pay for their "sins" with their own blood! Through the course of these 150 books, I take the necessary time and research to enter into the Hearts and Minds of these artists and fully reveal the ULTIMATE DEPTHS to their songs and albums. I am able to "say" in plain, direct language what they felt they couldn't. Thus, these albums are couched in layers, which is part of their genius. No matter where we are in our personal journeys towards Truth and Enlightenment, these albums deliver.



Any David Bowie fan knows this. Scratch only the surface of his songs and Bowie will provide a clever musical piece that seems to make sense at a relatively simple, direct level. Ashes to Ashes was incredibly a "hit single", with a fairly straightforward narrative of Major Tom, mid-age, struggling to stay alive against his drug addiction. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. The song was about himself, announcing publicly, his decision to renounce his Satanic deal and his life as a "drugged up stooge". In 1969, Bowie had "sold his soul" to become famous (enter Angie, they met through their mutual friendship with record executive Dr. Calvin Mark Lee). In doing so, Bowie became yet another victim of the system of mind control (Tavistock, MKUltra) where his mind was fractured into pieces, resulting in the pseudonyms of Major Tom,
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Ziggy Stardust,
The Thin White Duke & A Hero in Hiding (in Berlin).

In 1980, after 3 years of cleaning out his mind and body in West Germany, Bowie divorced Angie, renounced his Satanic "deal", and set about to take back his mind and his life.
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This represents the Heart and Soul of my book series...talented individuals, artists, looking to share their personal messages of Love and Truth with the rest of the world...becoming pressured and, or corrupted by an industry of EVIL...spending as much time defending themselves against personal attacks from within the industry, as they were creating their musical genius. Being forced to write songs that were ultimately MASKS...with layer after layer of truths, all leading the listener inwards towards the ultimate truth, which is Love!

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The journey of each one of these 150 brilliant albums is encapsulated within my book series, and thus, each book is itself, a deep journey to discover the truth amidst an upside down world built upon Lies. Because understand this...everything, EVERYTHING that we have been taught by Society (through our Parents, Schools, Governments, Media/Entertainment) is a LIE! And it is only through this realization that we begin to understand WHY our precious Earth is being ruled by mankind, the way it is...until we begin to accept that we live in our own version of
"The Matrix", nothing will ever change...and these artists...these book series...all want one thing...Real CHANGE for the betterment of ALL living species, and not just some!
Thanks for sharing this with me, and I look forward to tomorrow's show!

Charlie Freak

I will be posting the list of all 150 Rock Albums in an upcoming post! STAY TUNED!

for more books from my series they are available at: click on the icon below

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