Gnash Song Challenge - episode 1 (HEAR your words set to music! MARVEL at your ideas taking sonic flight! WONDER at the sheer beauty of it all!)

With six original songs including 3 never before published publicly online!

The pilot episode of my song challenge landed with a thud but luckily I have a direct line to the folks upstairs and I have shoehorned this contest in to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, despite the total lack of anyone clamoring for this to happen.

I direct your attention way back to a galaxy far far away when I made my #introduceyourself post ( I wanted to do something fun and unique with it, so I decided to run a song challenge - I would set to music the full text of comments left to me on the post. I had visions of a huge comment thread being spawned, with all sorts of creative and funny song suggestions being thrown at me. Instead, what I got (unsurprisingly if you know anything about #introduceyourself posts) was a bunch of spam/automated/generic comments welcoming me to Steem.

I did set the first 3 such comments to music but quickly realized that I had made a poor choice in combining my song challenge idea with my #introduceyourself post. I said at the time that I would likely reboot the challenge at a later date.

Well buckle your seat belts ladies and gentlemen and all in between because here we go! The grand reboot of the Gnash Song Challenge!

I am all ears!

Challenge Rules

  • Clearly identify that your comment is intended to be an entry into this challenge
  • EITHER provide me with a song title or song topic, OR provide me with song lyrics (or both!)
  • I will select my favorite entries into this challenge and set them to music!

If you have ever wanted to hear someone sing your praises, you could write an ode to yourself! If you want to do some really creative shit talking, you could write a diatribe against someone else! If you want to impress your sweetie write some love lyrics to/about sweetums and I will serenade softly! You think there is not enough songs about slothicorns in the world? Lay it on me!

I will promise to set AT LEAST one comment left here to music per week and publish it as a separate post, crediting you as inspiration (and lyricist if applicable).

But what do I get out of all this?

Well other than the unimaginable joy you are likely to derive from my sonically brilliant assault on your comment suggestion, I WILL SPLIT THE LIQUID SBD PAYOUT PORTION OF ALL SONG POSTS RESULTING FROM THIS CHALLENGE WITH THE COMMENT AUTHOR. 50/50 split.

If I feel the comments here are getting stale as the weeks go on, I reserve the right to close this episode of the challenge and come out with a new episode.

Examples Please

Okay I mentioned I tried to do this contest here before in my #introduceyourself post. I am still somewhat amazed that I didn't get even a single token $.01 upvote on my original song comment replies to my "welcome" commenters. Here are the three generic welcome comments that I did set to music before I realized the futility of my endeavor:

Where are the original songs never published publicly online?

This whole thing has its genesis in a similar undertaking that I did on Facebook many years ago, in private fashion, with my Facebook friends. I asked for song topics/titles for an upcoming show I was playing at an infamous dance club called Cowfish in Eugene. My Facebook friends provided me with some hilarious suggestions that I set to music. This is the kind of stuff I was hoping I would see here on Steem. Don't leave me hanging this time, Steem friends!

Here are three of the songs that arose out of this, previously only published on my private Facebook feed.

Song topic/title (prompt): Peanut Butter Penis

Song topic/title (prompt): My Glass is Half Full (but it has vomit in it)

Song topic/title (prompt): Funky Fistula Fondue

The video crapped out while recording this one so it is audio only.

Much love! - Carl

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