First steps to recording your music PT6 - Sound samples

Hi Everyone,

Well I have been a little delayed but i have finally got the first part of 'Recording stereo mic techniques' up and on the YouTube channel, and i'll be sharing it here below. Part 2 will be done tomorrow, there are just a few things i noticed i need to change and fix before i put that section up. So, in the first video, i cover elements of setting up a DAW (in this case Protools 12.5). I also have the first part of the sound samples from each of the 3 configurations as well and we have a look at those. PLEASE BE AWARE that this video cut half way in at 15min as i was trying to get the whole 30 min video in on premiere but it took way to long to compress, so i chopped it in half, it still took ages, so i just put this bit up first, but there is plenty to absorb.

In the second video coming up tomorrow, i use of the 3 configurations and add some busses to it with EQ and Reverb just to show you how simple it is to make a basic recording better, and then polish it up to make a decent demo. NOW, you have to forgive my guitar work as i haven't played much for the last 2-3 years so I'm a little rusty but you will hear some slow basic flamenco style acoustic guitar in this video.

The shame about this guitar is that when i bought it, it sounded great and i was stupid enough to put in a pre-amp with eq, which is fine, but then i tried to change the bridge, BIG MISTAKE on a $800 nylon acoustic guitar, (Ameria Solista i think, made in Spain, yeah its at the low cheap end, but still expensive for me). The result is that the new bridge was not really clamped well and there is some loss of general tension over the whole instrument, and the rich quality it once had has been lost forever. But you live and learn right.

Anyhow, Lets have a look at "recording stereo mics" Pt 1 and I'm sure it will not only help if you are new to set ups with this equipment, but get you exited for PART TWOOOO!
Thanks again for the continuing support and feedback, i will always try to respond to all replies when i can as often as i can, and please UPVOTE or PROMOTE these blogs if you feel they are helpful to you or others in the community, cheers!
You can also follow me on facebook, Audionrg@audionrginoz, and subscribe to my YouTube channel on AudioNRG, also ( ok enuff shameless self promotion.. here's pt 1!
Shan the Sound Man.

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