Little known facts about Jimmi Hendrix and his death (Must Read!)


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Jimmy Hendrix. He was a man. Not just a man. He was a tall dark man that came from humble beginnings. When Jimmy was a baby child his mother came up to her own mothers steps with little baby Jimmy in her arms with a diaper that was frozen rock solid with urine. After one of the many fights she had gotten into with her husband at the time she had enough, she needed help. She had gotten divorced from her husband. This left a deep psychological scar on Jimmy and his brother.

Throughout his childhood Jimmy relied on the charity of others, he would often take food from diners or burger joints who were going to throw it out anyway. He walked around with holes in his shoes and put pieces of cardboard inside of them to keep them together. He wanted a guitar so bad he would pretend to play on a straw broom. His father would beat him for it, saying that a broom was for sweeping not for playing around. He developed a deep fascination with music and dedicated his entire life to guitar . He wanted a guitar so bad that a psychologist told his father to get him one or he would go crazy. He would often fall asleep in his bed with his guitar. Music unfortunately wasn't a complete savior for jimmy.

Jimmy lived in a sort of hall of mirrors, he was very self conscious. This followed him throughout his life. I personally believe he tried to escape this through acid and other mind expanding substances. He was very self conscious in regards to his appearance. He was always asking the fellows he lived with if he looked ok. I think he was beautiful. Unfortunately like everything else beauty doesn't last.

Jimmy died lying in the bed next to Monika Dannemann

Not a bad last sight I should say. Some people say he died due to a combination of sleeping pills and red whine. Others say he was murr-----

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