The function of music in human life

Speaking of music, I call it a symbol of things related to people's ideas and behavior.
Music is part of art, art is one of the elements of culture, and is one of the unviersal human needs that are never separated from society.

Music is one culture, meaning music is created by humans to fulfill their needs for beauty. It can be interpreted that music has a function in human life. Merriam in his book The Anthropology Of Music states that there are 10 functions of music. What are the ten functions of music? I will explain the following.

1. The function of expressing emotions

Here music serves as a medium for someone to express their feelings or emotions. In other words, players can express their feelings or emotions through music.

2. Function of aesthetic appreciation

Music is a work of art. A work can be said to be an art work if it has elements of beauty or aesthetics in it. Through music we can feel the beauty values ​​through melody or dynamics.

3. Entertainment function

Music has an entertainment function that refers to the assumption that a music must contain entertaining elements. This can be judged by the melody or the lyrics.

4. Communication function.

Music has a communication function meaning that music that applies in the cultural area contains its own cues that are only known by people who support culture. This can be seen from text or even music melodies.

5. Mining function

Music has a function in symbolizing something. This can be seen from the aspect of music, for example the tempo of a music. If the tempo of a music is slow, most of the texts tell sad things. So the music symbolizes sadness.

6. Physical reaction function

If a music is played, music can stimulate human nerve cells, causing our body to move to the rhythm of music. If the music is fast, our movements are fast, and vice versa.

7. Functions related to social norms

Music serves as a medium to teach norms or regulations. Submission is mostly through song texts that contain rules.

8. Functions of ratification of social institutions.

The function of music here means that music has a very important role in a ceremony. music is an important element and is part of the ceremony, not just as an accompanist.

9. The function of cultural continuity.

This function is similar to functions related to social norms. In this case music contains teachings to pass on a system in culture to the next generation.

10. Community integration function

Music has a function in community integration. A music if played together without realizing the music creates a sense of togetherness between players or music lovers.

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