The power of music

The music is incredible, I see the power of music to connect cultures And I see, even more importantly, to connect hearts.
music is the most grandiose of the universe is that feeling that is so beautiful is a way to express yourself is a way of speaking music is how we feel and make us feel is love, it is peace, it is a change Music is a language, a way of expressing yourself, It's joy when you're sad, music makes you happy. It is the new movement is the new era.

The Greek myth of the origin of music reads like this: music was handed over to humans by Apollo and the Muses; the messenger of the gods, Hermes, brought the lyre into the world; the goddess of war, Athena, trumpets and chirimías; and the shepherd god Pan, the flute. In Indian mythology, the goddess Sarasvati invented the musical scale and gave the Chinese a miraculous bird. If we define music in an elementary way as the air in movement and perceived as an artistic form in a specific cultural context, then it is as old as the human being itself. Maybe he knew how to sing the human being before he started talking and writing? Perhaps human beings quickly discovered that sounds and tones could be generated by blows, blows and frictions on objects and that one could understand oneself in that way. The oldest musical instruments identified by archeology come from the Paleolithic, they are about 35,000 years old and have been found scattered around the globe. From the bramadera (everybody knows the noise that occurs when a stick is quickly shaken in the air) and the scraper (when a stick is rubbed against another stick with incisions), from rattles, animal horns and bells even the flutes of bone, the musical arcs and the instruments that we know today, have passed millennia - and yet, in the end, nothing has changed at the time of producing the sound. The first testimonies of musical practice are found in an Egyptian pictogram from the 3rd century BC; in Antiquity also arose the first theoretical writings on music in poetry and in historiography. In this context, the music of the ancient developed cultures was always linked to the cult and only much later became an art of aesthetic expression by itself. Whenever music made its appearance in history, it always did it as something particular, something noble, that was always told among the cultural assets of a people. Just as the human being cultivates the fields and extracts from nature the food necessary to survive, so he cultivates (in Latin colere, that is, to cultivate, to take care of) also the world of sounds.

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