Music Knows No Difference


While walking on the street, I stopped at a red light, I looked and noticed the elderly man behind me playing with his violin. He must have been in his late forties, and he was literally rockin’ out. I couldn’t help but watched this adorable man playing to his heart’s content, and my lips immediately formed a smile. He began dancing to the rhythm, too, and his rhythm was flawless.

Then I wondered what song he was playing with. Perhaps Frank Sinatra, Tommy Dorsey, Tony Bennett, or maybe even some Elvis or The Beatles? My curiosity was piqued, even though I wouldn’t have the chance to find out. The light soon turned green, and I'd stayed in front of him for a few minute and continued to watch him playing, and wholeheartedly enjoy the tunes. As we parted ways, I silently wished him a joyful day, but clearly, he already had that taken care of.

This simple experience warmed my heart, so I wanted to share. It goes to show that music knows no difference, whether you are an alien, old, young, or even a person with disabilities, everyone should feel more than welcomed.


Have an awesome Thursday, and let music join you today!

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