let's understand what is THE MUSIC

how to understand what music is


The first thing we must know to understand what music is. is to know, what is the sound?

when an object is hit, pressed or torn ... as an example, a tight string of some instrument, this creates vibration.
but it's not there when we listen.

still missing the elements that lead the sound to our ears.for example, the air

As we already know, the air is composed of molecules of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, among others

when the string we talked about earlier, vibrates .. pushes the molecules that are closer to it

cuerda y particulas vibrando.jpg

these molecules in turn push those who are next to them and so

This movement of particles is what we know as (sound waves)

These waves are capable of traveling at a speed of up to 340 meters per second

If we find ourselves sufficiently close, our ears do their job, because these waves collide the tympanum, which in turn, moves the malleus that the incus shakes, which passes its energy through the stapes to the cochlea. which combines the vibrations in nerve signals that are transmitted through the auditory nerve, to the primary auditory brain cortex where the perception of sound is made.


if we use the same instrument string, but this time with more attention. the wave has a higher frequency and we perceive it with a more acute sound.

we human beings can perceive, through our auditory system, frequencies from 20 hz to 20,000 hz


but in comparison to us other living beings can not perceive like us, for example the dog


these perceive sounds with frequencies as high as 45,000hz

another animal example are, whales


que pueden percibir frecuencias muy grabes, tan bajos como 7hz

when we make music we have to take into account certain factors as they are



the rhythm is given when we have a pattern of performances of different times, either of blows, for example in the case of percussion instruments.

the volume, the intensity in which we perceive the sound, strong, soft.

the bell, the difference of tessituras in the sound that we use according to the type of instruments

the melody, and this is where the tones are important

in the music, any tone is not used, remember that the tones are sounds with a specific frequency, this means that one tone can have a high frequency level and another one could have a degree of frequency recorded ... it would be two different tones each other

here we represent in this image, the lines in the form of frequency .. each one identifying a tone and each one in a different frequency


To have a melody, I mean the execution of a track of notes or tones, must be compatible, this implies, choose a few tones among all the existing ones, that have a relationship between them, so that it sounds nice to an ear.

to this group of compatible tones, we call them SCALE, which derives from the word staircase

for example, on a piano. if we play key by key in the order of left to right, from the center of the piano, we would be playing tones in an ascending way towards high frequencies
and if we did it from the center, from right to left, we would be executing tones in descending scale towards recorded frequencies

when playing several tones of this instrument, with an order of rhythm and in different heights or degrees of frequencies. we would already be creating melody, and therefore we would be creating music.

a group of musicians come together to play their instruments, all together, each one creating a different melody, but with coefficient between them. based on a prior agreement of compatibility of sounds and melodies, called musical arrangements!


music is not easy, but if it's magic.
with her we can make laugh, cry, anger and many more feelings.
Music is a parallel world, it is another universe, it is another language that must be known in order to understand it and maneuver it or create it.

what would be of the movies without music?

what would be of a party without music ..¿

What would be of our world without the music?

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