Indie Darlings Little Wretches Release First Ever Lyric Video "All Of My Friends"

The seminal 80s/90s indie rock band from Pittsburgh received am/fm airplay on more than 125 North American radio stations in 2020.

All of my friends are on somebody’s list of Undesirables and Anarchists It’s not even safe to admit that you’re one of my friends. –-Robert Wagner, “All Of My Friends”

In a year that was not kind to so many, 2020 proved to be somewhat of a resurgence for one of the 80s and 90s most notable acts to come out of Pittsburgh. The Little Wretches, fronted by wordsmith, poet, lyrical genius Robert Wagner, enjoyed radio airplay on more than 125 North American radio stations. Their album, “Undesirables and Anarchists” included the streaming hits, “Poison” and “The Ballad of Johnny Blowtorch,” which combined for more than 100K Spotify streams. The latter reached #1 on the ITunes Folk Rock charts, too.

Now, Wagner and the Wretches are releasing their first lyric video for the song, “All Of My Friends.”

According to Wagner: “ALL OF MY FRIENDS is a celebration of people who don’t even have a voice, much less a voice that can be silenced. Every line and couplet in ALL OF MY FRIENDS speaks specifically about very real people in my past who have resided in a voiceless and silent community. The events that formed us—the experiences that made us who and what we are—are off-limits in polite society….Federico Garcia Lorca. Salvador Allende. Pablo Neruda. Solzhenitsyn. Dostoyevsky’s THE DEVILS. NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND. Nelson Algren. My dad. My mom. The kids on my street. Substance abusers. Cross-dressers. Fugitives from the law. Paranoid schizophrenics playing PICTIONARY in group homes. St. Anne’s School. David Allen Flynn. Sydney Carton. Dickens’ A TALE OF TWO CITIES. Put it all in the blender. Add The Kinks, The Who and The Velvet Underground, and you’ve got ALL OF MY FRIENDS.”

ABOUT ROBERT WAGNER: Robert Wagner continues to perform at coffeehouses and small clubs. A Master’s Degree holder, Wagner also counsels abused, neglected, traumatized and court-adjudicated youth. He is the co-founder of The Calliope Acoustic Open Stage, an event that has lasted 15+ years. Wagner is also a long-term cancer survivor.

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