Foraging season 🍇🍄🍽


Hi everyone,

So it's fast approaching that time of year when the family and I get our welly boots and jackets on, load up on picnic food with id books in hand and head off to various woodland areas for some family foraging. We've been doing it since 2008 and through our own research and talking to professional mycologists and foragers, have a pretty good idea of what's safe and what to leave alone.

In the picture you see a nice clump of honey fungus, but we've also been fortunate over the years to sample most edible fungi, the taste of which surpasses anything you can find in the supermarkets. Aside from the eating aspect, it's also a great day out for the family and friends and a good opportunity to exercise!

I'll be posting our forays and also the wonderful dishes we make with the fruits and fungi we 'catch'.


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