post January 12, 2020

"You intellectually understand, but must actually accept that you are so much more than you have been led to believe. Throughout lifetimes humans have been manipulated and taught that they are little more than animals deserving of and needing harsh treatment and incapable of making proper decisions and must look to those more qualified to tell them what is right or wrong or how to live.

Because of this, many unconsciously still carry old energy from those lifetimes in cellular memory. As long as these energies remain active they can and often do manifest seemingly out of nowhere as experiences of either overt aggression or its opposite, powerlessness.

As old and dense energies clear both personally and globally, some are re-experiencing deeply buried energies of fear, aggression, or powerlessness and not understanding why. Because low resonating energy cannot align with the higher these must be cleared. This often takes place through dreams but through experience and emotions as well.

Allow the clearing process to take place without resistance or the belief that these things are who you are. Negative emotions, thoughts, or feelings are never who you are. Allow them to move through and out without attaching power to them."

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