Masonry Finds a Worthy Foe: The Internet


It's thanks to the endlessly flowing information in 2023 that we can enjoy the revelations coming to light today.

We can now witness brave cave explorers risking their lives to discover incredible world shattering truths... and reviewers like WhisperJack who put the shovel's edge to the masons.

Part 1: Explorers discover massive old world technology cave dig site that has been concealed by intentional TNT cave-ins - a massive drill site dug out using unknown tech and stone buildings embedded in sulfurous location (melted and steel beams encased in stone):


Very old steel beam used in construction of buildings! within a cave system before our current civilization arrived:

Mining sites, if you've ever seen those from 50 years ago, were not that large - people had to be bent over to walk into some of these. The tunnels used for trains may be large, but not this large. The machines used to drill slowly at a snails pace can easily be seen in Youtube documentaries on modern drilling. They (modern day drilling apparatus) cannot compare to this find.


In other sites, melted stone structures indicate a heat event, and the cave in question also has evidence of heat exposure and blackened walls. It is believed that the cave is not a modern human-made mining site, as the time period doesn't match and the presence of light poles suggests a far older civilization. Further markings of drill holes like shapes are found in presence of evidence of actual columns (Corinthian in style).

Questions That Need Answering:

  • When were US cities really constructed?
  • Is your city as old as you know or older?
  • Who are the freemasons? Are they actual builders of society? What do they know?
  • Are the buildings in your city also "buried" with significant portions concealed within concrete? I.e, appear to indicate a kind of mud flood or other cataclysm?
  • Were many if not all of the world's histories fabricated to suit a new world narrative for the new human population?
  • What technology is plainly paraded in front of our eyes daily that we cannot conceive of having an alternate use or purpose?
  • Why did marvelous stone architecture cease in the world after the Reset prior to this current civilization? Why the haste to remove these sites from every place on earth, and relabel their purposes?
  • What event caused this dramatic shift in narrative by the elite powers and freemasonry?
  • Did the Egyptians (modern day) inherit the pyramids from at least one to two separate civilizations?
  • What's up with the endless number of pyramids larger than those in Cairo being discovered and investigated in other countries?
  • What's up with ultra gigantic caves, carved using machines -- yet not built in the last 100 years -- that contain metal, light poles and more evidence of machinery not from the last 100 years?
  • Does the Smithsonian house or destroy evidence of giants?
  • As far as cave underground mega cities (those melted smooth on their interior), why did one of the biggest have large stones to close up to keep people safe? What threat was so ever present that they needed large heavy stones to conceal the exits and entrances to their dwelling places (Derinkuyu)?

Petra and other incredible stone megalithic sites are beginning to look like the tip of the iceberg, each and every day of 2023.


We salute many of these intrepid researchers on the internet who continue to dig up revelation after revelation, knowingly or otherwise. Mystery History Youtube channel paved the way for some to be more daring in their exploration, and now the lid has just blasted off!

2023 is more amazing than we could ever have believed!

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