geo matn

  1. The SI unit of force is ………. .
  2. The unit of force in SI is ………. .
  3. The unit ……… is the same as newton meter.
  4. The unit of work done in British system is ………. .
  5. A wound clock spring has the ………. energy.
  6. The energy may be given in terms of ……. .[or the electron volt]
  7. The unit kilowatt is the unit of ………. .
  8. The product of the force applied and the ………. can be expressed as power.
  9. The product of the force and the velocity is equal to ………. .
  10. The product of the force and velocity is ……….. .
  11. The …….. is the product of the force and velocity.
  12. The rate of doing work is defined as ……. .
  13. The rate of doing work is ………. .
  14. In British engineering system, the power of motors and engines are also expresses in ….... .
  15. 1 hp is equal to …..erg s-1.
  16. One mega watt
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