Full Force

You know what really annoys me? When great users on Steem don't get the recognition they deserve. After what feels like forever with the past rules that plagued this blockchain and seeing rewardpool abuse happen on a daily basis, I am very happy to see things changing lately. Curation making a great comeback and people remembering who the users have been that have against all odds tried their best and stood firm against the maximizing and extracting of the pool for little to no effort. These users deserve my respect and we need to highlight them more often, I am glad to see many of them are now receiving genuine curation for their past and current efforts and I hope it continues that way.

Another thing that annoys me is that some really deserving ones are too modest to promote themselves. After asking our beloved witness, canadian ambassador and (fill in role here; she most likely does it) to post and remind users about her upcoming shows which I've come to enjoy over the years so I could give them a resteem to my "still kind of alive" followers, she keeps on declining. Well, screw you Crimmi. I'm gonna promote it instead then because you are too stubborn.

So if you like some heavy metal, a nice host that knows a scary amount about the genre and an entertaining night in a chat with a bunch of lovely Steemians while taking a break from the general Steem stuff. I suggest you join the MSP Discord and check out Full Force Radio with @crimsonclad as your host.

I'm going to get this post some visibility with upvotes and this post's beneficiaries are set to @null so they will be burned.

PS. She doesn't know I'm posting this and her show is live now for the next 3 hours so gogogo

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