MSM in All forms on TV and in Newspin Papers, Do Not pretend you are Not Fake, When you have had the FISA unredacted Memo for 1.5 Years!

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Don't pretend You are Not Fake News when. . .

Q has pointed to the Mockingbird Media time after time.

Anons and researchers uncovered evidence of Corporate Media being given their talking points early in the morning, then saying the same thing Over, and Over and Over.

Just as can be seen here from a report a few months back,
Hear all the scripted news from all around the United States. Qanon talking points at 4 a.m.

I find it not even humorous any more but irresponsible and despicable that the media Claims to be giving us the News, yet time after time Qanon and quality independent researchers are able to uncover evidence that they are arrogantly deceptive! Then as if that is Not Enough, they actually pretend they are upright.

You know, the whole Virtue Signaling method that has worked oh so well for these people who we are finding are not just remiss or accidentally omitting information, but are complicit in many cases.

In other words, in some instances they know good and well they are leaving out pertinent information, but are too arrogant and selfish to take the time to fully do their due process and homework, mainly because it is cognitive dissonance for them and their belief system.

Here is a blatant example of how the Mainstream Media has had information for well over a year, and has pretended otherwise, lying to the people they claim they want to inform and help protect.

The evidence shows otherwise!

Here is an article Published by Conservative Treehouse in which they found,

First, we know from overwhelming circumstantial evidence, conveniently overlooked by media, that one of Wolfe’s specific leaks involved sending his concubine Ali Watkins a copy of the 82-page FISA application used to gain a Title-1 surveillance warrant against U.S. person Carter Page. {Full Backstory Here} Some key things about this leak:

It is highly likely there were no redactions in the copy Wolfe leaked to the media.
It is highly likely Wolfe was caught in a leak hunt, and the copy given to him included a specific, and intentionally wrong, internal date using October 19th as the origination date for FISA application approval. (The actual date was Oct 21st).
The October 19th date then shows up in subsequent media reports which were based on the leak. The New York Times and Washington Post used the wrong date; the concentric reporting of the NYT and WaPo spread the wrong date like a virus.

However, despite overwhelming and easy to prove evidence against him, Wolfe was never charged with the Carter Page FISA leak. The DOJ/FBI have him dead-to-rights on that leak, but he was charged with the more disingenuous crime of lying to the FBI.

These explosive details have been largely ignored by media, and two recent legal filings add even more layers of intrigue. Last week a federal judge denied a request by Wolfe’s lawyers to put a gag order on the entire U.S. government; to include President Trump:

See more here

And here,

The Media Are Hiding Their Knowledge and Duplicity – Buzzfeed, WaPo and New York Times Had Unredacted FISA Application For Over A Year…

We shared a discussion thread several months ago about how the media are enmeshed within the story of the DOJ and FBI corruption. However, only recently did we discover the media engagements were not just pervasive, they were/are participatory.

As a consequence the same media cannot reasonably report on any aspect of the story without exposing their own duplicity; their only choice is to double down on lies they helped create and promote.

In preparation for explosive developments soon to reach critical mass CTH strongly urges everyone to think carefully about these recently discovered empirical truths:

#1) The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence had the full, unredacted, FISA application on Carter Page since March 17th, 2017. Think carefully about that. Think about what every member of that committee has said since March 17, 2017.

#2) With the leak of the Top Secret FISA application, by James Wolfe to Ali Watkins, Buzzfeed, The Washington Post and New York Times have had the full, unredacted, FISA application in their possession since March 17th, 2017. Again, think carefully about that. Think about all of their reporting since March 17, 2017.

#3) As a direct consequence of #1 and #2 – The media have deliberately, and with specific intent, falsified their reporting and kept the truth hidden which would undermine their false reporting. Again, think very carefully about the ramifications.

The media’s role in the DOJ/FBI corruption scandal is not only pervasive, it’s participatory.

Find more information here,

As Qanon states, These people are Sick!

He also states, Preying versus Praying!

Absolute Truth! The antidote to MSM's doting, cajoling and coddling these corruptors whom many defend in the pedophile and criminal realm!

What are your thoughts on the negligence and outright lying of the Mainstream Media in All of it's forms. Lying even by omission? Do you think they will Ever take responsibility for their Actions or Lack thereof? Please let me know in the comments below! Godspeed Fellow Patriots!

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