My hobbies since childhood.

Hi, Pankaj here 👋


                         This is somewhat an unsual article, as most of the things I will be mentioning here which I used to I do as a child may surprise a few of you. So let's get started my friends😉.

                         Right from my childhood, I was an very curious boy from a technical point of view. You ask how much curious? Guess what, when I was in KG A, I used to open my toys with a screwdriver to know the mechanism inside which makes the toy train move. In fact, while I was doing so one day trying to disassemble the coil spring motor, the coil spring inside almost cut through my index finger. I still have the scar. As time went by my interest in these kinds of stuff grew tremendously.

                         By the time I reached 3rd standard, I found myself deeply engrossed in electric motors and mechanical contraptions, there was not even a single device or appliance in our house which I didn't dismantle, when my parents were out. I would dismantle our washing machine, mixer grinder, TV, DVD player etc. My parents were always in constant fear that someday I would electrocute myself, as I used to play with electricity a lot, you ask how? In order to know how the wire inside a bulb glow, I used to take small strands of copper wire and pass 220AC through that and this resulted in the creation of a shockwave as high current passes and the strand explode. I felt the shock wave created in the process on my face many times. Not only that I used to pass 220AC through 12DC motor harvested from toys and other household electrical appliances, what I was trying to do is understanding how things work by experimentation and reverse-engineering what we call it today. Give it a try sometimes 😉.

                         The knowledge I gained from experimenting was enough for me to make my first working electric toy motor by the time I was in 5th standard after years of destruction and spending my pocket money on buying batteries. I myself made the coiling of the motor. Remember that there was no Youtube nor I had any access to the internet back then.

                         This way more years went by and I continued to do things like melting glass in order to make optical fibres out of it, but I had no luck doing so as the temperature required was very high.

This was a working engine model I started making when I was in 7th standard, This engine runs on compressed air.


                         By the time I reached 11th standard, my interest began to grow regarding computers and software as it was in this year when I got my first personal computer. I began to teach myself programming languages like C. One day I asked one of my teachers how to program a robot using C, as I have read somewhere that C can be used to program a robot, but as I expected he didn't have the slightest clue how to do that, he only knew that we can use C on the computer to create programs. I kept searching on the internet to find out what I was looking for was nothing but embedded C. So I started learning that on my own, as always my experimenting and like that I was able to create my own microcontroller circuits and program them as well. For those of you who don't know what a microcontroller is, It is just like the CPU inside your computer but for specific tasks and they are programmed using embedded C.
                         This is what embedded C look like, but unlike C, here you need to have knowledge of the microcontroller architecture for which you are trying to create a program.



                         During my engineering I learned a lot of things, a lot of programming languages like PHP, Python etc. and embedded electronics, sensor (I implemented my very own 9DOF accelerometer+gyro+magnetometer sensor) to track motion in 3d space using sensor fusion)and my I began to dedicate myself into developing software programs for fun and for freelancing as well. While I was pursuing my engineering degree, I also created my very own washing machine, entirely from scratch (all the electronic circuit boards + software I coded myself.) which was not a big deal though.

                         Now coding is my mode of income, though I studied Mechanical engineer, I was interest in many aspects of engineering. It may sound to you like I am bragging about myself but I have no such intentions, Frankly speaking, I was both a better coder and electronics experts than most of my friends who were in that field, they always come to me to solve problems based on software and electronics, though I was a mechanical engineer, so funny.😂 But this helped me a lot to make myself better day by day.

                         Without stretching this article further, I just want to say one thing to all my friends



                         I also like exercising, reading some books in free time, walking and listening music

                         With this I am ending this article, though I have a lot more things to share with you guys, which I will in some another post and as always, Thanks for reading.

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