What's happening in the field of digital marketing in Korea (convergence with Blockchain technologies)

Brief summary/translated version of ZDNET Korea's press release about MSC 2018 (Marketing Square Conference 2018).

Source: http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=105&oid=092&aid=0002135182

Today, there's a growing trend of integrating Blockchain, the distributed ledger technology, with digital marketing. Marketers no longer need to go through the third party of advertising brokers but communicate with customers directly, which is the key to today's digital marketing integrated with Blockchain technologies.

April 11th, at the Marketing Square Conference 2018, or MSC 2018, held in the Four Seasons Hotel in Korea, AD4th Insight's CEO Ken Hong gave a speech under the theme of "Convergence of Blockchain Technologies and Digital Marketing" saying "Digital marketing integrated with Blockchain technologies actually started from service users' complaints and the unfair business practices where the actual service users have never received a penny from their usage while service brokers have made a fortune out of it." He also mentioned that, "Questions remained as Facebook, Naver, and Google got the money according to the outcomes of ADs after posting Ads on their websites while actual users got nothing."

CEO Ken Hong said that, "After all, decentralized Blockchain technologies can solve this problem." adding, "Basically, the Blockchain is a concept of discarding intermediaries and disclosing all ledgers to benefit actual users." In the meantime, CEO Ken Hong predicted that it would take about 3 to 5 years to have actually services integrating Blockchain technologies with digital marketing.

Ken Hong, CEO of AD4th Insight, is giving a speech at the MSC 2018. (Source: ZDNET Korea)

In his speech, he introduced the BAT (Basic Attention Token). The BAT has developed their own browser other than Google Chrome and MS Explorer. On the BAT browser, users can upload their transaction ledgers and ADs can be provided only when the users agree. In other words, the BAT is providing a browser service showing content only. Instead, the BAT issues tokens to earn profits while giving up the profits coming from ADs.

CEO Ken Hong explained that, "The BAT gets the right to issue the token. The more profits the company makes, the higher value the token has. In the end, the BAT WILL have the additional revenues as the issuer of the token."

He also mentioned that the Token Economy is completely dismantling the ecosystem of fund-raising. In the past, companies could get the investment after developing a new market generating added-values. But today, businesses can raise a huge amount of funds in the beginning thanks to the Token Economy, perform well, and develop high-quality services utilizing the funs raised at the early stage when experiencing insufficiency of funds.

Chobama's COMMENTS: It seems that Blockchain technologies are having huge impacts on many different fields of business and digital marketing is not the exception. AD4th Insight is the leading company of digital marketing, producing quite amount of digital content including filming Youtube videos explaining the topics related to Blockchain techs and hosting various events about how to implement Blockchain techs into business or how to build a strategy for the successful ICO. I'll put the links below but unfortunately most of content is made in Korean language.


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