In response to the Michael Q. Todd debacle

I am not involved with the whole cryptocurrency debacle goign on right now. But I couldn't stay silent when I saw it come up in FB. I have removed myself as much as possible from any possible contact with MQTodd aka Michael Q. Todd for about 4 - 5 years now.

But to see MQTurd involved with yet another troublesome endeavor is not surprising and I want to give you all a word of advice.

Stay as far away from him as you possibly can. I feel bad for you if you invested time, money or resources into this person. He's a liar and a scammer and has been for as long as I've known him, dating to 2010/2011. - The problem is that he also has a charismatic personality.

Even I fell for it when he asked me to be his webmaster years ago. I did that for about two weeks until I realized he wasn't going to pay anything and he was swindling his audience by inflating his view counts and social media share counts on his blog. When I asked about it, he sent his faithful followers to tell me how "good of a person it was" and to be nice to him, etc. He then purportedly went to jail in Japan, and that's when I received calls from somebody associated with him, leaving threatening voicemails. I shook that off and cut off all contact with him, yet his followers kept accusing me of "hacking" his website and Twitter account, etc. -- Doesn't it sound familiar?

For someone that is so insignificant, he sure seems to get hacked a lot. Strange that I deal with massive websites that are actually popular, yet they don't get even a 1/5 of the hacking attempts he claims to get. And if they were true, wouldn't you want to stay away from somebody that can't even have basic security configured when dealing with fintech stuff? -- But I digress...

His dealings go back to 2010 (as far as I personally know, but based on his obscure past, I'm guessing they go much further.) when he started making connections on social media, claiming to be a "Twitter expert" and dealing with his "expert status" to which he claims to have put in all these hours to become the go-to-expert.

The same claims he now makes to having been working on this cryptocurrency company all this time. So which one was it MQTurd?

He scammed people out of some money for an event he never put together, it was supposed to take place in Napa, Ca. He then moved onto making his 7 pillars of shit book (that has been in the making for at least 5 years). -- You'd think that a true Twitter or Social media expert with 200K+ followers would get at least a dozen likes and retweets every tweet, wouldn't you? See for yourself, the truth is that those followers are what's known as "follow-backs" and low-quality accounts -- but I'm getting side tracked.

He's like a chameleon that changes colors to fit whatever situation is necessary. Don't mean to offend chameleons btw, they're nice little creatures unlike the subject of this post.

You see, I don't know the dealings with this superior coin stuff, but I don't need to know them to know that if MQTurd is involved, somebody is being scammed, and it isn't him.

Part of me thinks he's a greedy sociopath, but the more I dealt with him and the more I see his actions surface, time and time again, the more I think he's just a charismatic idiot that convinces people to do his bidding.

He targets people that are interested in whatever topic he's peddling, but he himself has never made money with any of these topics, yet he makes claims like he's going to make 10,000 millionaires. Crowdify, like anything else he's started, is a blatant scam at worse, and a sand castle at best. Anybody with basic high-school economics understanding would see right through the impossibilities of his promises.

I keep seeing his postings about this (his most current debacle), and have to wonder, would an ex-lawyer be so dumb as to post those kinds of things publicly? Anybody that was serious about this... anybody that truly got scammed by someone else... anybody that lost even just a few thousand dollars, let alone tens of millions, would keep their mouth shut and take immediate legal action, both with the police and with a competent attorney.

But instead, he's just running his mouth like he always does. And don't you dare question him, because you'll be banned, blocked, removed from the group, slandered, or all of the above.

But I think finally the time is running out and he's running out of places to run to and groups of people to scam. My advice to you --keep in mind, I'm not a lawyer or financial advisor, just a blogger who got taken by MQTurd a long time ago-- if you invested in his scam and your investment was significant, stop posting online about this and talking about it online, make a police report with any agency that is local to you and wherever you can make a report, talk to an attorney and take legal action.

If your investment was small, for your sanity, consider it gone and be happy if you get any of it back, just do anything in your power to prevent this from happening to others.

Good luck to you all.

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