Are mp3 players still a thing then?

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Back around 2015, I had numerous conversations with friends within the FOSS community about "Using your mobile phone as a PC." at the time, I pooh-pooed these suggestions fairly strongly mainly, I realise now, because I didn't understand mobile phones and what they were and what they were to become capable of.

Like most people at the time, I owned an iPod and kept all my music and audiobooks on there. This meant carting two devices around, but of course, I convinced myself, as others did, that the sound quality was far superior on the iPod than my Orange San Francisco ZTE Blade Mobile. 🤦‍♂️

As time passed and my choice of mobiles improved, I slowly moved my music from my iPod to my mobile until eventually, the iPod ended up slung up the back of a drawer. These days my conversion to mobile usage/importance would leave 2015 Pete speechless, as I now use it for pretty much everything! Debit payments, online banking and just recently, I installed TEAMS on it!

Earlier today I read this article about the New Sony Walkman music player "Are mp3 players still a thing then?" having posted the question on Mastodon, clearly, they are! As I had responses telling how folk still use them. 🤔

Interestingly, it is now me looking incredulous that folk are not using their mobiles for everything. What a turnaround. If I were still in touch with a guy called Matt, he would be saying: "Not bad, Pete, it has only taken you eight years to work out you were wrong!"

Image created by irisworld

My actual name is Pete. Here is why I have the username dickturpin.

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Podcaster. FOSS, Linux & Creative Commons Advocate.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

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