[V.O. Film Reviews] #1. Park Chan-wook , Joint Security Area, 2000


If you show his past videos to a wonderful entertainer, you can sometimes see his suffering in TV entertainment. This is because the appearance that shows off the unfit or unfamiliar technique has been overloaded with the audience for a long time. The funny thing is that most of the entertainers seem to be great at the moment, but this is the reverse.

At that time, there was a movie that I would just like to see if I could see or listen again and it was a wonderful work. Of course, it was really fun at the time, but again, I have a movie like that. Usually, after a while the identity of the work is revealed, and the JSA is in a vague boundary to say good or bad.

From the point of view of the material, now the relationship between South Korea and North Korea is so deep that it has nothing to do with the gunfire. It is hard to see it as the film's fault. When you think about the story, you open a typical "closet, Came out "is a mystery of the way. There is no problem in digging out the incident, but it is difficult to accept why Nam Sung-sik was constantly shooting at Jung Woo-jin's body. It was only a clue scene for 16 bullets. It is hard to accept even if it was the station which the inside personal case symbolized Lee 's feelings. Maybe I should see the original novel.

In order to persuade this contingent scene, the filmmaker Park Chan-wook made Lee Soo-hyuk has been kidnapped by North Korean soldiers to the North Korean military office scene, while taking pictures of four people, and the face of Nam-il was shining in the reflection of light. He put a lot of devices that he flew, but the time went, it turned out he was lying. The technique was great, but he just did not speak well. This can be seen as a false story. It feels like watching the lawyer's trial technique.

Anyway, there are materials and scenes that can be seen in Park Chan-wook's directorial debut of JSA, and later in the next works, and it seems that there was a concept such as thirst, 3 monster and old boy at this time.

It is hard to feel well, but when Lee Su-hyeok shoots his palate with his gun, he looks downward and turns into a victim of crucifixion for the truth to the audience. When the camera turned, he became a common fate.

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