"The Promotion" is a movie that suprised me


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This is a different kind of post. I was going to post about something else, but I decided to hold off on that because I watched a movie this morning that touched me personally that I think you guys will enjoy...

I am not necessarily reviewing this movie, rather I am discussing how this movie...well, I guess you could say I want to discuss how this movie affected me.

The Promotion is a movie about a guy (Seann William Scott)
that has an assistant manager position at a grocery store. He is, to say the least, down on his luck financially, emotionally, and mentally. he lives in an apartment with his girlfriend (Jenna Fischer) and doesn't make enough money to move her to a better home.
He also lacks the feeling of purpose. A GM position at a new Grocery store his company is opening becomes available and he wants to get it.

There is a guy (John C. Reilly) who transfers from a sister company 2 weeks before the decision on who is going to run the new store is made and they both, have to prove themselves.

All of this information is given to you and the movie is called "The Promotion", so I don't consider anything being spoiled.

How this movie helped me

I know it may be a little dramatic to say this, but as a 28-year-old father who just got a job that I can consider a career, that gives me purpose (Because I'll be helping people get their lives back on track), and It also is going to help me financially support my family and dreams.

These are all good people in this movie there isn't the guy.

This is a great depiction of how it feels to be "stagnant". The critics came down hard on this movie, and I understand that because it was made around the same time as a few other movies that had a similar plot.
So I get that but they did come at it differently. It was a more "quiet" film that had great comedic aspects to it.

Thanks for the read!

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