Tenet – Movie Review

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Christopher Nolan did it again. I mean he took a really complicated theory and presents it in an action packed, thrilling way on the big screen. I wish I did see it on the big screen because it is a beautiful movie. It's not easy to process, but none of Nolan's movies are. It is a really good movie, when you consider it as an idea being presented to you.

The movie follows the Protagonist (John David Washington). Yes, the lead character doesn't have a name. He is recruited to a secret organization called Tenet. The goal of the organization is to stop the end of the world. Protagonist is joined with Neil (Robert Pattinson). Neil is a resourceful man and he helps the Protagonist a lot. They learn that they must stop Sator, a Russian bad guy played by Kenneth Branagh. Now in order to get to Sator, Protagonist makes contact with Sator's estranged wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki). Yes, time inversion is a part of the story, but we really see it play out only towards the end of the movie. It is more of spy, thriller, espionage movie than anything else. It is only at the end of the movie that you can put the pieces together and see how crazy this movie really is.

You really need to pay attention in this movie. This is not light action movie with no plot. It requires that you pay close attention to everything on screen because it will become super important. When you really start thinking about the plot of the movie, you realize it is just really really complicated. Very complicated. I felt like I should have taken notes. But that is Nolan for you. All of his movies are very intellectual, but this movie almost gave me a headache trying to figure it out. I did enjoy that a lot about the movie. But it is not everyone's cap of tea.

It is a Nolan movie so obviously it looks fantastic. The action is brilliant and there is plenty of it. Even though at points you have no idea what you are looking at and whether it makes sense. It looks fantastic so the production value is super high. The movie is very fast paced so there is no dull moment. Although to be honest the movie is a bit too fast for me. I wish it would have taken its time to explain a few things along the way and slow down a bit.

The acting is mostly really good. John David Washington does a brilliant job bringing his character to life even though he has no name. He is just The Protagonist. He portrays his character brilliantly as charismatic, smart, resourceful young man which also has a lot of heart. Robert Pattinson brings in his over the top British action hero to the table. It is his first big blockbuster role since Twilight, and it makes me feel really good about his role as the future Batman. He does crazy and manipulative and charming so well in this movie. Kenneth Branagh plays the Russian bad guy in the movie and he is terrible. I am sorry, this is not the first time that Kenneth Branagh plays an evil Russian person and he is really bad at it. He is not a convincing villain or a convincing Russian. You'd think he would have done something normal with his accent by now. And the movie does have a few Russian actors in it, which makes him look and sound doubly worse. Elizabeth Debicki is the only character in this movie that is emotional. We can identify with her trouble and get behind her. She is the heart of the movie. She does a brilliant job portraying it. Everything else is just cool, but a bit bland and heartless besides her. This movie has mostly just really good acting as the villain doesn't get too much screen time thankfully.

Still, the script's main focus is the idea and not the characters. You can feel it. I did enjoy it very much. I'm just not sure I would actually ever want to watch it again, so that's a problem for the movie in general. Still, in a world where be barley have new movies coming out, it was a real experience to watch this movie. Not only is it a new movie, but it is a different kind of blockbuster. I highly recommend that you will focus and give it a try.

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