Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 – Spoiler Free Review

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Wow. This is a brilliant movie. The best Marvel movie since Avengers: Endgame and one of the best Marvel movies overall. I was not impressed with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 so my expectations from this movie were pretty low, but it blew me away. One of the reasons that this movie is so good is that it is has something to say and that something is not very easy to digest. Don't expect a lighthearted, fun and colorful movie. Just a really good movie.

Wow. This is a brilliant movie. The best Marvel movie since Avengers: Endgame and one of the best Marvel movies overall. I was not impressed with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 so my expectations from this movie were pretty low, but it blew me away. One of the reasons that this movie is so good is that it is has something to say and that something is not very easy to digest. Don't expect a lighthearted, fun and colorful movie. Just a really good movie.

Actually fun is the last word I would use to describe this movie. Also, I would advise against taking children to see this movie, at least don't take anyone under the age of 10. It is pretty dark and has some very unpleasant moments hiding behind the obligatory fart jokes. The movie is actually not as sad as the trailers make the movie out to be, but it is just darker. This movie has a very clear message to send and some people are just not going to like what it has to say.

This movie may not be super fun, but it is really good. It is helped by amazing action sequences. Super good and original. Who knew Groot can be so versatile. Nebula clearly got some pretty sweet upgrades. Peter Quill has some sweet moves and boy can he find any way out of a tricky situation, but can also kick his way out of any problem. Yes, this movie has an obligatory hallway fight and it is spectacular. One of the best hallway fights ever put on screen, big or small. James Gunn really out did himself. Also, you have to see this movie on the big screen, these action scenes were meant to be experienced on the big screen. And in return you will get some of the most original and cool action scenes you've seen on the big screen in recent years. So so good.

Also, the soundtrack is amazing. You can't have a Guardians movie without great music playing along in the background or in the forefront and this movie is no different. You'll want to download this soundtrack the moment the movie is over. The scenes in which the characters choose the music that is playing are some of my favorite scenes in this movie.

Also, the soundtrack is amazing. You can't have a Guardians movie without great music playing along in the background or in the forefront and this movie is no different. You'll want to download this soundtrack the moment the movie is over. The scenes in which the characters choose the music that is playing are some of my favorite scenes in this movie.

Peter Quill is still mourning the loss of Gamora. In a way he understands that the Gamora from the past is not his Gamora, but not really. Still, his character continues to shine because he is a moron with a heart of gold. He loves his new family more than anything and he will do anything for them. Just like they would do anything for him. His plans really are brilliant and he can kick so much ass. Plus his charisma is a superpower all on its own, he knows when he can talk to the heart of women, and when to use that ability to his advantage. You can say what you want about Chris Pratt's personal life, but he is a blockbuster leading man material, and this movie knows it. And Marvel knows it. His arc in this movie is very satisfying in my opinion.

Mantis is in this movie as a personal therapist. She not only knows people's feelings, but she is pretty good as guessing what is behind those feelings. Plus, it is not just talk, she can use this great ability in a fight as well. So awesome. Plus, she can totally kick ass regardless. Pom Klementieff just gave a brilliant performance.

Her other half is Drax and they are a fantastic comedic doe. They work great together, and they have pretty good jokes together. The previous movies didn't do justice to his personal story and this movie tries to make it right. I am not sure it works, but I do appreciate the attempt. Dave Bautista does such a great job in these movies that I hope he will reconsider his decision and comeback in the future to his role.

Nebula is total badass, but she is more than that. She continues her journey of self-acceptance and personal development. This doesn't make her a soft character, just a different sort of a badass. Karen Gillan is just brilliant in this role. It is hard to believe that she can be such a badass when you look at her outside of the Nebula makeup, but she just nails this part perfectly.

Surprisingly, Groot is here for the action, not the laughs. I don't think he has one funny moment in this movie. But who knew how much ass he can kick and in such original ways as well. Vin Diesel as always brings home the big bucks for the usual three words.

I am not a fan of Gamora. On paper she has everything that is needed to be a great character, but it just never happens. Her speech is more complaining than badass. Her action scenes are not impressive enough, she is not smart enough or strategic enough. Zoe Saldana says she is done with the MCU after this movie and I don't blame her. Although this is not how I would have chosen to say goodbye to her character. In fact her arc is completely unclear in this movie in my opinion.

This movie also has two new additions, the one that seems more permanent is Will Poulter as Adam Warlock. When I heard of this casting choice I was not happy. Poulter always struck me as a quirky actor and I guess that in my mind he is still Eustace Scrubb from the Narnia movies. But even though he did not have much to do in this movie, he did it well. In fact I am looking forward to seeing him again in the future in the MCU.

As for the villain of this movie, wow. Just wow. Chukwudi Iwuji just kills it. Brilliant acting for a brilliant character. If you don't know who he is playing from the trailers, I don't want to spoiler it, because I had no idea. But even though Marvel has a serious villain problem, he is not one of them. He is one of the best villains that the MCU has even seen. Sure, we don't get a lot of background for his motivation, but we don't need it. He is evil and he is really good at it.

This is James Gunn's last movie for Marvel as he is moving to DC and his last Guardians of the Galaxy movie and he is saying a wonderful goodbye to his beloved characters. The movie ends on a high note that leaves you with a bitter smile on your face. There are some references to previous movies in such clever ways that you will get nostalgic. And yes, Gunn did his best with this movie and it shows. It is not let's just get this over with. I am not sure I like it more than the first Guardians movie, but I do love it a lot more than the second one. I hope that this is not the last time we will see these characters.

If you feel burned by the recent Marvel movies and Disney Plus shows forget about all of your worries and go see this movie. It is one heck of a ride. You will be on the edge of your seat. Sure it is a lot more bleak then previous Guardians movie, but the action and heart of this movie will surly captivate you. It is a ride that shouldn't be missed and you will be rewarded for going on it. This is just a great standalone Marvel movie. It is not too connected to any other movie or previous Guardians movie so anyone can enjoy this movie. As all Marvel movies should be. I can't highly recommend this movie enough, it is a unique experience so go and experience it.

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