Glass Trailer has Arrived


The more time passes the less I like Split. Other than James McAvoy's amazing performance and that end credit scene. Now, we will get what that amazing credit scene promised, and that is an Unbreakable squeal.

I have to admit that this looks really really good. It should get more hype, even though from some reason it doesn't. Perhaps because everyone are waiting to see what DC will release. It is not a very competitive comic-con. I understand why it wasn't part of the horror movies panel, but maybe because of Split it should have been there. This movie seems to need to more exposure. Can M. Night Shyamalan actually deliver another good movie?Previously his movies were on a slow deterioration rate, I hope that this is not the case. It sure doesn't look like.

Are you excited about this movie? Excited enough to see at the movies?

Glass comes out on 18 January, 2019

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#CDCC #Comic-Con #Glass #Split #Movies

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