Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore – Spoiler Free Review

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This was a really charming movie. I know it is popular to hate on J. K. Rowling and these movies, but I really liked this movie. I came in with very low expectations thanks to all of the terrible reviews and I was pleasantly surprised. It is a much better movie than Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. If you like the Wizarding World you will like this movie as well. Not that the movie doesn't have its problems, it sure does, but it is good to back in the Wizarding World.

Also, I really hate to say this but Mads Mikkelsen is a much better Gellert Grindelwald than Johnny Depp. I'm sorry, but it is true. Depp just felt like he was playing another colorful character Depp style and Mikkelsen is honestly disturbing. And more intense. I could feel the energy and chemistry between Mikkelsen and Jude Law's Albus Dumbledore. Yes, this movie flat out admits that they were a couple. Plus, Grindelwald totally tries to take advantage of the fact that Dumbledore has feelings for him. You can feel and hear his manipulation. He is a total villain. Worst ex-boyfriend imaginable. Yet their previous relationship is not the center of the plot which is great.

Not only is Grindelwald an excellent villain, but the way things are presented to deteriorate so fast is fascinating. Yes, there is a lot of subtle racism and not so subtle references to racism, visual references to WWII and the Nazi party. Rowling has done that before in the Wizarding World, but not so explicitly in my opinion. I was horrified when I saw this in the movie, in a good way. It was powerful and impactful in my opinion.

There is still lightness and humor and charm in this movie with all of Grindelwald's darkness. Like the name implies there are fantastic beasts in this movie. Some are frightening and some are used for comedy, but some are actually important for the plot. But they are used in a way that makes sense, which means there are not a lot of fantastic beasts in this movie. But they are used to the maximum effect.

The cast has a great new addition, Jessica Williams as Professor Eulalie 'Lally' Hicks. She's a brilliant Charms professor who is very exceptional in her field and knows how to defend herself and others superbly. Williams is a very charismatic actresses and she stands out in all of her scenes. Her combination with Dan Fogler's Jacob Kowalski is brilliant. They make a great team and they both shine brilliantly.

Yes, Kowalski is back. Even though it makes no sense. In fact, the team in this movie makes no sense at all. Why these people? I have no good answer other than it is convenient. Fans love Kowalski so he must return. Jude Law is brilliant as Albus Dumbledore. He is both flawed and perfect, powerful and vulnerable, companionate and unrelenting and not a bad manipulator himself I might add. You can see how he will turn to into the manipulator of Harry. The Goldstein sisters hardly appear in this movie which is a bummer. Ezra Miller's Credence is boring and unnecessary. His character's arc makes no sense I don't like the character or the performance. Eddie Redmayne is back as Newt Scamander. I am not sure I ever liked his portrayal of the character, but I'm used to it by now. There are new characters in this movie on in addition to Hicks, but they are just bland and uninteresting.

This movie will require a lot of suspension of disbelief. Not in the "we are inside of a magical world" sort of way, but "this makes no sense according to what I previously know of this world, but I'll allow it" sort of way. This movie makes zero sense if you really think about it. But when I was watching it I didn't think about it, I just enjoyed this movie. I laughed at some parts and was horrified in others. I was invested in the movie and story. No nitpicking. Just watching this movie brought back that charming feeling that I missed of being in the Wizarding World.

Unfortunately, I want a sequel that this movie is not going to get. This movie failed at the box office so we are not going to get the two sequels we were promised. But I don't need two movies, I just need one. I need to see the battle between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald. I don't believe Rita Skeeter when she says that Grindelwald simply surrendered. I am sure it was an epic battle and I want to see it. Plus I want to see the Deathly Hallows being mentioned, but I want that battle more. Maybe just one more movie please?

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