Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness – Official Trailer Release

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness just got an official trailer that proves that this movie is going to be amazing. A true Marvel and multiverse celebration. My levels of excitement for this trailer are unbelievable. May couldn't get here fast enough. Also, if you want to go into this movie knowing as little as possible about the movie and which characters are in it, then don't watch this trailer and don't take a closer look at this poster or read this post. Sorry.

Now that you have been warned, I have to talk about it. Professor X is here! Patrick Stewart Professor X is here. In voice, but it is totally him. I think that he is a variant and not the Logan version of the character, but who cares. He is back. And it looks like he is part of the Illuminati. That looks so Illuminati when Strange is being brought into trial. Also, those are Ultron robots that they are controlling. Is Ultron back? Are you going to do a better version of him now? I don't know, but these are not the Avengers and I have a feeling that they are not necessarily the good guys.

Speaking of amazing cameos. People seem to think that the glowing character we see fighting Wanda is either Iron Man or Captain Falcon, but I think that this is Captain Marvel. Possibly Maria Rambeau or Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel variant. Can she actually take on the Scarlet Witch? I don't think so. Also, on the poster we see a bit of a reflection of a shield and since this movie refers a lot to the What if… show, I bet that this is Captain Carter Captain Britain's shield. Everything else is not officially revealed so I don't want to spoiler to much. But this movie is going to be amazing and packed with cameos and cool Easter Eggs.

America Chavez is a big part of this movie and she looks pretty cool. Xochitl Gomez looks like she is doing an amazing job. Sure, the character looks way younger than she does in the comics, but still cool. From the haircut to the way she uses her powers she is awesome. That punch looks fantastic in live action and so do her powers. She seems to have a really important role in this movie and that’s great.

But still, even though this is a Doctor Strange movie, this is the Wanda show. Looks like she will finally becomes the villain that we all love. Just right amount of evil and crazy. She just comes across as super cool in this trailer.

There is a lot of Wanda in this trailer. I mean, I think that there are like three Wandas. Witch Wanda, Westview Wanda, Zombie Wanda and I think that there is a forth one, the one with the blood on her face. Like there is our Strange, Defenders Strange, Zombie Strange and evil Strange. This is crazier than the Loki show.

I think that this movie is going be such a blast. This trailer has got me super excited about the movie, and I was already excited for it. What do you think?

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