Blockers (film) on Netflix: I guess it is ok

It's officially called "Blockers" but it is pretty easy to tell that when they use the image of a rooster just before the title on the film that the actual film name is "Cock Blockers" and well basically that is the theme of the entire movie.


Honestly, one of the only reasons I even bothered to watch this was because I have a soft spot for John Cena, who I would really like to see get some sort of breakthru moment in films, as unlikely as that seems. He just seems like an all-around good guy and while we can be all but guaranteed that he will not follow in the footsteps of his pal Dwayne Johnson, I think there might be some opportunity for him in the future.

So as the name of the film suggests, there are some people that are planning on getting laid and then some other people come in to ensure that this does not happen. And in this instance the "blockers" just happen to the the parents of the girls involved.


The divide between young and old and their understanding of technology is actually pretty accurately depicted in this movie as the parents don't seem to have a great deal of understanding of internet lingo or emoticons. That part of it was funny to me because I am reaching that point in my own years where when a new app or catch-phrase comes along, there is a good chance that I am not going to be up to speed on it. This is just a normal part of ageing and it will eventually happen to you if you are younger than me.

Have a sense of humor about it and it can be quite funny and to me anyway, this was one of the funnier aspects of this film and I got some laughs out of it. Something I didn't really find all that amusing is that the makers of the film went out of their way for "gross out" comedy at certain points such as when John Cena's character is challenged to a "chugging" competition and the high-school kids convince him that it has to be done up the butt instead of what we would presume by drinking.


In my mind there were several instances like this including full frontal nudity for the sake of laughs that weren't really funny so much as they were very difficult to look at when it was going on the screen at all.

I don't have any kids, but I do like the way that the parents here are genuinely concerned about their kids making bad decisions even if they themselves already made those same decisions and well, they kind of turned out ok didn't they? At least this is what is being portrayed in the film.

It's a Hollywood comedy so it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out that everything works out in the end and the various downfalls that the parents face are short-lived as they all eventually work towards victory in the end.

It's extremely predictable and has some funny moments and touching ones as well (I could do without some of the moments that involved actual touching, but that might just be me.)

Should I watch it?

While I wouldn't put this on the top of anyone's list of "must see's" or anything like that it wasn't terrible and it did have some pretty great moments, most of which involved John Cena, and that is just fine with me... did I mention that I quite like John Cena so my opinion might be a little biased?


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