With Snyder's Justice League, I take back what I thought about him before.


Re-watching The Snyder Cut already. And I think I want to take back something I've probably said (or at least thought) in the past about Zack Snyder.

He does know how to write and develop characters.

It's just that a lot of times the characters he's writing and developing aren't the ones I wish they were. As an example in this movie, I think his depiction of The Flash is generally wrong. This version is a little less wrong than he was in the original cut, but still, Barry is just too awkward and weird -- where the "real" Barry Allen is a bright, happy person who really loves what he's doing.

That said, in this version, Barry is the one who not only first articulates the potential of the Motherbox to resurrect Superman, he's also the one who actually first advocates the idea.

Bruce Wayne is next to support.

Both of these men their lost parents and Barry especially wants more than anything to reverse time and bring his mother back / free his father from prison.

Of course this idea would appeal to him. Giving him this role in the movie is really smart character writing.

This all bodes well for rumours about Snyder being an Ayn Rand fan and is looking to remake The Fountainhead.

I'd argue that Rorschach is the coolest of the Watchmen not just because of his design and mystery, but because he is the strongest of conviction (rivaled only by Ozymandias). People like characters who stand for something.

A lot of what DC has done wrong in general is create characters whose convictions I couldn't really articulate clearly - including, most tragically, Superman.

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