WOLFS - Disappointing Movie Starring George Clooney And Brad Pitt


In recent years, there haven't been many great movies. For obvious reasons when we see new movies released with top Hollywood actors in main character roles, we automatically assume this must a good movie. There is a reason these actors reached the height of their careers and fames. For being part of great movies in the past. I can't remember last time I saw a bad movie starring George Clooney or Brad Pitt. When I saw a new movie commercial starring two of the great actors, Clooney and Pitt, my thoughts were here is a movie to watch. Wolfs is a new movie streaming on Apple TV Plus and the main characters are played by Clooney and Pitt. Unfortunately, this is not a movie I would recommend to anybody. I found it to be a disappointment.

I still respect the actors and their contributions to the movies industry is significant, and they definitely have been a quality brand for movies. Now this time. This is just my opinion. I may be completely wrong. I may be missing something here. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. It could also be that I had high expectations when I saw the two in the same movie. Not all movies would be great. That is understandable. I am just not sure why Apple would agree to produce this movie, and why George Clooney or Brad Pitt would agree to be part of it. I assumed highest paid actors with established careers would be picky with the quality of the movies they would be starring in. Or maybe it was a great movie, and I didn't really understand it.

Clooney and Pitt are playing a role of fixers. They both are fixers who clean up the messy or troublesome situations rich and powerful find themselves in. Both Pitt and Clooney think of themselves as the best fixers in town and there is nobody that can do what they do. In fact, they both repeat this statement. Interestingly, there is two of them and they both are called to clean up the same problem. As the name of the movie suggest they both operate as a lone wolf and never team up with anybody. Now these to wolfs find themselves in a situation that they have to work together on this job. This alone is a great story line and great actors playing the roles to achieve something very interesting. There is definitely and interesting rivalry and mystery to build on. Unfortunately, rest of the story doesn't make sense at all and not interesting a bit.

A New York official find herself in a bad situation in a hotel with a dead body, or what seemed to be a dead body at a time. Not knowing what to do, she calls a number that was given to her a while back to call when she is in trouble. That she does, and George Clooney arrives to fix her problems. At the same time another fixer, Brad Pitt arrives to fix the same problem. However, Brad Pitt was called by the hotel manager who had different motives. Public official wanted the problem to go away and not jeopardize her political career. Hotel manager needed leverage over this official to gain some political or legal favors. They both had something to gain, but both were interested in making the problem disappear. That's how the movie starts and the hotel manager and the public official disappear from the story completely. We never come back to see what happens to them afterwards, no involvement at all.

Anyway, from this point on Clooney and Pitt have to work together and fix the problem. Then it turns out the body was dead at all but unconscious due to the drugs. Night goes on chasing the guy who woke up from being dead. Then it appears he was drugs courier and had backpack full of drugs. So that this doesn't come back to the hotel wolfs decide to make sure drugs are returned to the owner or delivered to the intended destination. They end up in a place where mobs reside to get the pager which suppose to receive the drop location. Some fighting, some shooting, people killed. One mob killing another. In the end Clooney, Pitt, and the courier are just fine but everybody else is killed.

Now that the job is done Clooney and Pitt are in a diner, and as they are ready part ways they both come the realization that their handler or assistant that gives away their numbers to various people is the same person. That's why they operate in the similar fashion, dress the same way, act the same way, and believe they are the best in town. Most importantly they realize they were set up and about the get killed. As they looked out the window they seen people with guns getting ready to surround the building. They decide to join forces for one last fight. The end.

In summary, the entire story just doesn't make sense. It is not interesting, it doesn't connect, it is not even entertaining. What a disappointment. This could have been something really great. The initial story does set up for an interesting developments, something more interesting and entertaining. I did not see that. If you have seen the movie already please share your thoughts in the comments.

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