Is it Worth it? Alpha!

 No Spoilers! Go see it!

Is Alpha worth spending your hard earned money to see in theaters? I would say yes. Alpha tells the story of a group of cavemen going on their yearly hunt for buffalo. Disaster strikes when the chief's son is thrown from a cliff by a charging bull and presumed dead. Left for dead the young man awakes to find himself alone, but not for long. This movie is not only a heartwarming friendship story between an abandoned boy and the first dog but also a story about perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds and what it takes to be a leader. This movie is great, not only do the actors do a great job but the people who worked on the effects and cinematography deserve awards. The story is simple and easy to follow but has some heavy concepts thrown in and some harrowing survival situations( not for the weak stomached is all I will say). I don't usually talk about a movie being beautiful but Alpha needs to be seen to be believed, director Albert Hughes and his team really knocked it out of the park.

 Every scene in this movie is beautifully shot and some of the scene transitions are the best I've ever seen. Every frame is interesting, and for me to notice something like that you know it must be good. This movie needs to be seen and supported as much as possible. Right now it is failing at the box office and it really doesn't deserve that. If we want more great new movies like this we need to vote with our wallets. Go see Alpha, you will not regret it.

* Small note here, this movie is not for young children, the characters speak a prehistoric dialect and are subtitled( though much of the movie has little dialogue so don't worry about having to read a novel) and some parts are very violent( they are cavemen after all) and would be frightening for children. In my showing someone brought a 3 year old( really too young for any movie), who they eventually had to take out, but their was also a boy who was around 8-10 who was very intent on the movie and quiet through it all, so I would say if you think your child can handle some big concepts and some violence then they would probably enjoy( or at least pay attention) to this movie.

Thanks for reading!

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