My Thoughts on Maze Runner 3 - Death Cure


The epic series of Maze Runner opens it third and grand finale of the movie saga after its official release on the 26th of January, 2018. Showing Thomas and his glader friends on a very dangerous mission of breaking into the most guarded last city controlled by the WKCD to rescue one of their own "Minho" from being used a test subject in a desperate search for cure to the ongoing apocalypse.

Minho was being transferred to the last city, a labyrinthine city controlled by the WCKD. They met a strong resistance from Thomas and his escapee of glader friends who did all they could do possibly to ensure the total extraction of all test subject being transferred by train. At first, it looks a bit impossible as the train was heavily guarded and the train seem to be making no stop.

The next scene showed Jorge, Frypan and Brenda causing a distraction giving Thomas, Newt and Vince a chance to carry out their operation. The WCKD operatives fell into the gladers trap who later had control over their aircraft and was able to extract a part of the train to their operating base but it was such a disappointment for Thomas as Minho wasn't in the container they extracted.

They knew it was a suicide mission trying to go back for the other container, but Thomas was willing to take any risk to ensure that Minho comes back to the fold safely. Many in the group advised strongly against his going back but Thomas was hell bent on probably what he knows to be one of the most dangerous or deadly mission he has undertaken as they no longer have an element of surprise which whould have been used to their advantage.

click on the image above to watch the trailer

The movie focuses on finding a lasting cure for the infection that has coveted a large percentage of the human population to itself. It portrays major dedicated scientists in person of Avia paige and Teresa working tireless and ceaselessly using test subject as experiment believing that one day they will have a breakthrough. There are some percentage of people in the whole human population whose body chemistry could abhor the virus or at least slow it down but the danger still remain at large. They continued using test subjects among those that are resistant to the virus; those like Thomas and co. But like in the past, it all seem to be tending toward a dead end.

Since Thomas already made up his mind to go even if it means for him to go alone, he was however surprised at the number that was willing to help. Some of which are; Newt and Frypan. They are already by the truck awaiting their departure. After a while journeying in the tunnel, they were however confronted by the undead who gave them a hot chase which eventually led to their accident. It was sheer luck as they were rescued from the midst of the voracious undead by Jorge and Brenda.


Thomas and his friends were outside the city gate and was spotted by Janson who ordered that they should be shoot on sight - More like a shoot to kill command. They were however rescued by Gally who they all presumed to be dead from their last encounter in the second series of maze runner (2). Gally brought them to Lawrence who told Thomas that he is a businessman and he would want guarantee that "Thomas" would be back, so he gave Thomas a condition that only two will go across the wall through a secret tunnel and the rest stays behind with him.

Gally had told Thomas earlier that it would almost seem impossible to get into the facility and suggest that they use Teresa as their pass. After much of frustration and disappointment she suffered at work when she learnt that the infected subject she had tried the cure she made from Minho's blood on had only reproduce the failure they've been having in years, Teresa left the facility to go home but was intercepted by Thomas and his crew who kidnapped Teresa as planned.

In their custody, she told them a lot of things they need to know about the facility and she helped them disable the sensor that was injected to the back of their neck when they were still a property of WCKD. What it does is that "anytime they come near the facility, it would alert them at the facility of their approach."

Using Teresa as their access key, they were able to get into WCKD unnoticed. Gally attached a device to the mainframe at the facility and it sent a signal to Lawrence and his team. They were able to extract as much data as they needed. After that, many event happened; from the ruins of the beautiful last city to Thomas finding out that he is the death cure. Newt had earlier been living with the infection as it had started to manifest, but it was an irony to note that just after Newt turned to become one of the undead, "Teresa reached out to Thomas, telling him that finally a cure has been found and that Thomas is the death cure."

But was Thomas able to save Newt from the infection?


Rather, he died while in fierce struggle with Thomas.

In the later end, Teresa died, Thomas blacked out and alas, WCKD was destroyed and all that was left were pile of ruins. Thomas woke up later to beseech a whole new beginning in their newly found abode they called "Safe Haven", at last respect were paid to their dead friends and each were requested to carve out their names on a rock like surface to serve as remembrance.

Who's Who

The five main characters of this movie are Teresa, Thomas, Newt, Minho and Brenda.

Teresa, Thomas, Newt, Minho and Brenda

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Teresa is a lady in her teenage year, she was a former friend to Thomas before she later betrayed them for what she believe she was doing for a good cause. She actually felt she was helping all of humanity by carrying out continuous test on the immuned to the virus. She believed that sacrificing a few to save the others is a good deal. Despite her betrayer, she still loves Thomas which was evident when she locked him and his friend in a airlock lift rather than watch them die at the hand of Janson and his men.

Thomas is a clever young guy who has exhibited a high level of undoubtful leadership abilities. When he first arrive in the maze " the maze runner 1", the first of the maze runner series. He was seen as a weakling at first, but it wasn't long before he showed himself to be the bravest and the best runner amongst them all. Thomas has a lovable character, he is good at using instinct and he has potentials for creativity.

The guy, Newt


Newt is a cool guy, he is good looking and seem to be a dependable friend to Thomas throughout the whole play. He is shown to be a selfless friend even in the third series when he went with Thomas on their rescue mission to save Minho even though the virus is already taking effect in his body. His letter to Thomas made us realise that he is never afraid of death and he would rather die than become one of the undead. He had a tragic ending at the later part of the series.


Minho is one of the eldest settler in the maze, he and Thomas didn't get along well at first, circumstances made them close allies. Minho was shown as the one that needs saving. It almost seem to me that "Maze runner 3" is just about saving Minho but like always, "it was all about Thomas". It has always been about Thomas.

Unlike the other four, Brenda was firstly introduced in maze runner 2 "Scorch trials". It was over her face that she loves Thomas going by the way she looked at him. She has a great survival instinct and seem to be always up for the task. She is one of the immuned and she plays a great role in maze runner 3; from the diversion at the start of the play, rescue of those little kid transported to be experimented on by the WCKD, and staying with the team till the very end.

The Baddies

The antagonists of the film is none other than WCKD that turns a group of immuned into test subjects including Thomas and his friends. Their leader, Janson "WCKD enforcer" is a commander of a large army. He tried to capture Thomas and his friends but was shown in the "Maze runner 3" to have lost patient and ordered a kill squad after Thomas and his cohorts.

Janson, Ava paige


He met with a tragic end at the later part of the series as he was hell bent on killing Thomas but instead was attacked by about three undead freed by bleeding Thomas.

Ava Paige is the leader of research centre inside the WCKD, she showed a lot of dedication and effort to stop the plague but was futile as countless of her result had ended in failures. She wanted it badly that a cure is found and she eventually succeeded in reaching out to Thomas who had agreed to give his blood for them to make a cure out of it, but she was however killed by Janson before she could see everything materialize.

My Thoughts

This film was very enjoyable to watch but won't be winning award anytime soon. I want to believe there should be more to the story rather than concluding it at "Safe Haven", probably show how all were cured. There is one character that looks almost villain " Lawrence", is his act just going to end where he was successful in destroying the last city and the facility? Or was there no ulterior motive behind getting rid of WCKD? Was it part of caring for his followers? I would have wanted another series drop to cover this areas.

The twist of the film were somewhat a lot than the previous series. It is somehow impossible to predict accurately or at all events that will unfold. One thing I like most about this film is that, they got all under control till the end of the series. Though it might not be the best, but it is a very commendable movie to watch. You can check out the trailer.

Thomas is a badass


Thomas is a badass. Considering all the stunts he's pulled so far since the start of the movie series. Fans that have been following the series would understand what I meant as regards his outstanding character. Those extraction showed at the start of the movie stunned me but right then I knew that a crazy extraction plan like that could only have come from one person which is Thomas. Though, I know others would have contributed one way or another to the making of those ideas but deep down, it would be Thomas idea. I developed a like for Thomas's execution ability. If you want a job down no matter the cost, send Thomas. He would never compromise. Janson knew this forehand and wasn't going to miss a chance in getting rid of Thomas.

Newt, a friend indeed

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Newt never grew tired of Thomas except when he confronted him with an allegation that his judgement was getting compromised bit by bit because he deeply cares for her. Newt was a great friend till death.

Teresa the betrayer


Despite the betrayal, Teresa never stopped loving Thomas.

Minho, a friend worth saving...


The film was all about team work, friendship and unity. This was well observed in the rescue of Minho.

Dick head, Gally


Gally was the arrogant type. He and Thomas had fight times without number plus he tried to kill Thomas at the beginning of the maze runner series but Maze runner 3 succeeded in painting him in a new light - some kind of reformed personality. He was also amongst those that made the mission a success

The twist

The film's twist played out pretty well. Thomas was supposed to be a weakling but now he is strong and has strong leadership capability. Teresa was a betrayer. Yes! For a good cause, all she wanted is for all their struggles to be over. Deep inside, she loves Thomas a lot. At their first meeting, Thomas replied her; shall I trust you now? But the ending showed Thomas heeding her voice. Gally was supposed to be dead but instead he replied their amazement... Dead? Or you left me for dead! Anyways, he lives and played an important role that made me believed that he is probably reformed.

Newt was supposed to last the story but still he didn't overstay his welcome. He was immuned but what went wrong? The infection spreading across his body and the cure was right beside all along not knowing it was Thomas. Ignorance. Well it isn't just about saving just one person, it is about saving the whole human race.




There are notable celebrities in the real world featured in the movie. Some added personal touch to the movie while it good seeing others around even if it is just a couple of roles that they act. Celebrities like; Dylan O'Brien- he acted as Thomas, he was a Teen wolf movie superstar that acted the role "Styles" who is portrayed to be a very wise and sharp kid. Others like; Nathalie Emmanuel- she acted the role of Harriet, she was/is a Game of thrones superstar and she acted the role of the lady that herald "the mother of dragons". Aidan Gillen- he acted the role Janson, he was/is a Game of thrones superstar that acted the role "little finger".


Ultimately, this film is an enjoyable watch if you see it for what it really is. While the plot unravels in a random and unpredictable manner, it didn't fall out of tune with the remaining two release years before in the Maze runner series.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks for reading My Thoughts Maze runner 3- the death cure. I actually watched the movie last week after waiting ceaselessly for three years for another release. I'm thrilled that the movie centered on teenage and struggle for survival. Maze Runner 3 is not a movie you will want to miss, trust me. Let me know if you watched the film and whether or not you agreed with me.

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I would give it 4 on a 5 point scale.

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