ADSactly Entertainment - Lessons From Movies #4

The Founder 6.jpg

The Founder

No matter, if you love or hate McDonald’s this movie is a, must watch for anyone that’s even slightly interested in the philosophy of money. Because we are part of this ecosystem we’re all in one way or another, entrepreneurs so stick around because you will maybe learn a few things from The Founder.

Money, contrary to what many people may think, is good because the more you have, the more people you can help and this movie will show you the journey of a salesman and how he got to gain his financial freedom.

This is such a genius movie and story that it will give you goosebumps, keeping you hooked every minute as you will see Ray Kroc’s life changing as he’s changing other people’s lives while building a business model that is still here after all this time.

Disclaimer: I have to note that these are my opinions, what I took from the movie, but I advise you to watch it yourself, maybe you will feel differently or pick up on something I missed.


Many bright and prosperous minds consider that every successful businessperson was at first a great salesman and that’s what Ray Kroc is.

An insightful scene is the beginning one where he has to make a pitch to sell a milkshake machine, but against the fact that he has an astounding pitch, he fails. As many entrepreneurs consider, having a killer pitch prepared, from start to finish, every detail mapped out it’s the key to success in sales and Ray couldn’t have done it better.

You can also see the idea of a well prepared and custom tailored pitch being brought up, again and again, like when he’s trying to convince Dick and Mac to open up a Franchise and take this restaurant nationally or when he’s trying to sell the Franchise itself later on.

It's always important to have a script prepared not only in business but in life too because then when life kicks you down out of the blue you will not get lost because you already have it all planned.


If you want success, no matter in what field, the mentality with which you approach the situation and your journey, in general, will get to determinate if you win or you fail. Against the fact that Ray is turned down by everybody even if he is right, he keeps on going from failure to failure because he knows that on the long run he is going to win and so he did.

He tried to sale multiple things, for years now and the most impressive thing is that after all that time he never gave up. That is what I call having a strong mentality, being able to keep on trying despite past failures and that applies both in life and on Steem. The more you will try, the more doors you will knock on, the more posts you will make, the more significant your chances of success are.

A crucial element to Ray’s mentality is that he’s always reinforcing it with external motivation. Intrinsic motivation is essential too, but when you’re down, you will need someone to push you from behind a bit, someone to motivate you. All the bright minds have mentors that already succeeded because they understand how vital a model that can inspire you is, and so does Ray has even if his mentor is not in real life.


Life will present you endless opportunities of achieving your goals, and all you have to do is be aware enough to spot out the opportunity and take action if you feel is the right one regardless of what anyone else might tell you.

Ray, after trying multiple businesses, after he’s seen it all there was to be seen in the food industry, he finally found the golden business, McDonald’s. After all, that time, failed attempts and wasted money he saw the one opportunity that will change his life, and he’s so excited that can’t even sleep at night.

Even if he got turned down by the McDonald brothers at first when he proposed them the Franchise idea, Ray does not stop because he has a higher purpose. He has a dream that needs to come to life; he cannot let this opportunity slip through his fingers because he knows how much potential it has.

Against all his previous failures Ray can still see this fantastic opportunity, he’s not crippled down like most people are after they fail a few times, he can still dream, and he’s endorsing his house only so he can be part of McDonald’s.


Success by definition is change; this is the rule that Ray learned and kept on pursuing his vision, tirelessly trying new things until something clicks. No matter what your goal is, if you never stop pursuing it while trying new approaches when something is not working, you will succeed in the end.

Did Ray turn out “bad” in the end? Maybe he did but there are many things anyone could learn from him, and probably determination is the biggest one of them. It’s all about determination and persistence, knowing when to go all-in because you’re the only one responsible for your success.

If you don’t know what you want to do, you should always try new things until you find something that you like and when that happens, you have never to let that thing go, no matter what anyone tells you.

Written by: @GuyFawkes4-20

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