Fire and Brimstone, a film by Thomas Dunn

The latest from AngrySon Media, makers of DETESTABLE


Thomas Dunn, talented film maker and originator of, brings us this stunning, impactful documentary looking at the LGBTQP lifestyle from the inside out. From the demonic to the miraculous, Dunn takes us on a chilling, disturbing, powerful ride through the life of David Arthur, as a self-defined homosexual, pedophile, prostitute and drug addict.

This film, masterfully crafted, transports the viewer from minute one, into this Otherworld that runs concurrent with every day American life. Set largely in Atlantic City, NJ and Philadelphia, PA, we are unapologetically shown the incredible darkside that exists right under our noses.

I watched this amazing movie twice through, and I will never be the same as before. I thought my eyes were already opened until I was brought into the actual life of David Arthur. I began to see through his eyes. I had my mind blown open.

I learned things I never knew, and I thought I knew a lot, having been raised in the Philadelphia suburbs, and my husband being from Center City, Philadelphia. Summer vacations growing up were usually at the Jersey shore. Little did I ever know the underbelly of these places.

Thomas Dunn has woven this true story with an artist’s touch. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly; this moving and educational work will have you crying, jumping out of your seat, and pounding your fists! Simply put, we need this awakening, and potent film.

If you think you know and understand the LGBTQP life(death)style, I challenge you to watch Fire and Brimstone. I guarantee you will never be the same again!
Please visit and watch the trailer. Viewer discretion is advised.

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