Mr. Director's Movie Review : Kingsmen (The Golden Circle)

This spy movie is not your typical James Bond, Johnny English or Mission Impossible genre. If you are expecting Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr. you are getting warmer. This is an artsy movie that uses still frames to dramatize the entire visual effect and add some punch. Cinematography is excellent. This movie is nothing short of ingenuity plus an acceptable dose of British humour. How can you go wrong with a cast like Colin Firth, Julianne Moore and Channing Tatum? Taron Egerton did well to hold his fort despite being the lesser known amongst the cast of star studded A-listers. He is nothing short of a charming young agent.



Julianne Moore plays an insane but incredibly intelligent villainess that operates from the depths of the jungle in Southeast Asia that goes by the name of Poppy. Pretty cliche, but well it fits into the plot nicely. She runs a drug cartel known as ‘Golden Circle’ aided by a rejected Kingsmen applicant. The drug is used as a tool of blackmail against the US President who in turns have another twisted plot of his own. In exchange for immunity against prosecution and legalisation of Poppy’s trade the villainess agrees to provide the serum that will treat the infected users that is bound to die after 3 stages of infections.

Poppy’s first step towards world domination was to eliminate the Kingsmen a group of elite secret service intellligence that is sworn to protect the queen. The entire team was killed except Merlin and Galahad (Eggsy)and without any support they were forced to seek help from Statesmen, another group of private secret service based in America and that is when they meet Agent Tequila, who apart from an impressive first fight scene was subdued by the synthetic drug.

There is a lot of comic relief from Sir Elton John who played himself as a superstar captured by Poppy to provide entertainment to herself and her minions in the jungle. The entire plot was commendable as there are many twists and sub plots which is nothing short of brilliant.


Ratings : 8.5 / 10
Boos : The limited role played by Channing Tatum and Halle Berry
Cheers : Excellent still shots and excellent creative angles



The above is a prelude to an initiative of a challenge jointly organised by myself (@perennial) and Isaac (@zord189)known as Mr. Director's Movie Review that will be launched on Sunday, 8th October, 2017 with SBD for grabs. Stay tuned for more details.

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