Avengers: Infinity War :What will happen next?? Spoiler Alert.复仇者联盟:无限之战:下一步会发生什么??内有剧透

Spoiler Alert. Recommended movie #4

Let's discuss the last situation of each character in the movie of the Infinity War:

People who disappear into gray in the movie are :Black Panther, Bucky, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Star Lord, Mantis, Groot, Drax, Spider man, Dr. Strange, Hill, Nick Fury.

People who died in the movie are: Heimdall, Loki, Gamora and Vision.

People who survived are: Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, War Machine, Rocket, Nebula, Okoye, M’Baku.

People who we don’t know their situation in the movie: Shuri and Wong.

These are the results of my memories after watching the movie and my research. There should be no mistake. If there is anything wrong, please kindly forgive me.

We can discover that there is one important part: People who survived in the film are the first generation of the Avengers: Captain America, Iron man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow.


We know that every detail in the Marvel movies is very important. So who is already disappearing into gray and what is not, I personally feel that it will profoundly influence the trend of the fourth episode of Avengers. The next episode of the Avengers must be around their development.

The first generation of the Avengers, who were not turned into gray in the movie Infinity, I also think that in the fourth Avengers episode, there is a big possibility that they are probably to die or choose to retire. The first reason is that : after all, Among they face this desperate situation, if they want to reverse the situation. Even if there is a very powerful character Captain Marvel, there will be still certainly great sacrifices. Even if it is not a sacrifice, it will be a great price they have to pay.

Because of the Captain America’s strong sense of responsibility, it is the most possibility that he sacrifice or die for searching the way to victory in the fourth episode. In the end, how they managed to defeat Thanos and reverse the situation, it depends on the talent of the two screenwriters” Christopher Markus and Stephen Mcfeely who are the screenwriters of “Avengers: infinite war” and the “fourth avengers episode”.


The second reason is that Spider man died in front of the Iron Man. Such a large impact probably make the Iron Man decide to retire and return to the family life with Pepper. So I think the fourth episode of the Avengers is likely to let the members of the first generation of Avengers gradually disappear back behind the scenes, and let this decade of Marvel Universe have the small end of a break.

In addition, I guess that people who disappear into gray because of the Infinity gems’ power, in the fourth episode, should all be able to come back and to become important roles in the next Marvel’s decade.

Let’s discuss about others who dead without in the way of disappear into gray. There are all possibilities. Heimdall’s death should be true and he will not be resurrected. He also said in the movie “Let the dark force flow through my body for the last time.”(Because I see the Chinese version, I translate to English from Chinese lyrics ) Later in movie, Thor also can use the ability of the Bifrost, so the death of Heimdall should be relatively certain.


I personally think that the most likely to resurrect is Vision. After all, Shuri seemed to hold something in her hand in one of the scenes in the movie when she escape from the attack. This may be the most important key to revive Vision. Shuri’s part takes a lot of time in this movie so that should be the key to make the Vision’s revival possible.

Although Gamora died on the pens of the screenwriter, I still feel that she is very likely to be resurrected. The Guardians of the galaxy team is characterized by a humorous comedy. If Gamora is missing, The gray atmosphere is not fit their past independent movies’ style.

The possibility of Loki’s resurrection should be the top topic which people discussed mostly. Many people include me think that with Loki’s cleverness and intellect, he should not use such an ineffective assassinations. If Loki really wants to assassinate Thanos, Loki should assassinate Thanos before giving the infinity gem to Thanos. The odds are higher. That’s why when I watch this part that Loki gave the gem to Thanos and then decided to assassinate him in last, I felt so unreasonable.


Some people also speculated that the dead was Loki’s doppelganger or avatar, Real Loki hide in the dark. In this way, Loki may think that let the doppelganger of him (or avatar) killed by Thanos, Thor can get more possibility to survival, and Loki can also survival in the dark. However, we can see the fact that Loki’s body was finally lying on the ground and did’t disappear, so it is more likely that it should be Loki’s real body. Therefore, we have to wait until next year to know the result that if Loki can be resurrected or not.

Next time we come back to continue to analysis and discuss about the rest of the Avengers Infinite War!

Here is the newest official trailer for fans.

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复仇者联盟:无限之战角色分析 内有剧透


推薦電影系列 #4

在电影中化成灰消失的人有: 黑豹,巴奇,猎鹰,绯红女巫,星爵,螳螂女,格鲁特,德克斯,蜘蛛人,奇异博士,希尔,尼克福瑞。













其他不是化成灰死掉的,讨论空间就真的很大,海尔达姆应该是真的就死掉不会再复活了, 他也在电影中说“让黑暗力量最后一次流过我的身体” ,后来电影中索尔也可以运用彩虹桥的能力,所以海尔达姆的死应该是比较确定的。










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