Watch HUMAN documentary - Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Human is a documentary film produced at the initiative of a famous French photographer, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, author and on impressive documentation (Home, 2009).

Yann Arthus-Bertrand tell his personal message to the world through a collage of alternating images: natural settings captured in various places around the world, teaching people from all over the globe, portraits and candid acknowledgment, stories, slices of reality simply life gross authenticity and nature. No special effects, no replicas played without accents of bold ideas.

One reason is strongly emphasized in the film closing the interior of modern man, isolation from peers and loneliness that we submit, stolen by the lure of consumerism and pace imposed by our age

One by one you feel that the stories were collected and then matched by the director in a personal message, but it becomes yours. Mix of cultures, people who profess their life experiences, what it means for them happiness, love, life, faith, religion, wealth, poverty, death, forgiveness. People who live lives that are not the films are real lives they face battle for survival, HIV, acceptance of sexual identity over the fear of being rejected, experiences of life and death, leaving home country because of war, rejection to other countries, drug addiction, mandatory involvement as a citizen in a war, separation from loved ones, hampers their natural living conditions, domestic violence and many other issues strong.

Human documentary film effect is indeed very strong. I can not play through descriptive words, because of this and Yann Arthus-Bertrand has chosen this kind of project: documentary. Sitting face-to-face with so many people, eye to eye, witness the many emotions and stories, it is a process that transforms you. First is the impact of feelings created directly while watching movie. I felt so in the full house of spectators: deep silence, laughter, tears, applause, silence.

Human let you choose the "end" the one who keeps you as a participant of this life "here and now" to draw a single conclusion and choose an attitude. This choice, however, is a track small, just, but a piece that will definitely count in "end" that you like for this movie, puzzle, painting life.

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