THANOS... A BRUTAL BEAUTY (Avengers Infinity War I)

Thanos! Thanos!! Thanos!!! Oh Lord have mercy... just the mere mention of that name and you dare have no choice but shudder if you have been among the privileged few to have seen the latest marvel installation.

Warning: Little spoilers ahead for those fortunate many who are yet to witness the horror of the noble madman, Thanos.
I guarantee you don't wanna stay fortunate for too long... #winks

First off, let me start by saying I've been kinda a believer in the future potentials of the DC Universe... just like many diehard football fans, I sort to stay loyal and true to the DC Universe despite their not-too-impressive deliveries over the years. The Marvel Universe kept impressing me with every new installation and it felt like a hopeless wait for my dreams as touching DC's futuristic potentials blasting forth.

But upon the release of the Justice League movie... I felt the DC Universe were finally on track. Superman was given his rightful position, Super-speed, Super-Strength, Laser-eyes (Oh how they maximized his laser-shooting abilities was beyond heavenly) etc.

And Oh! Batman was also interestingly humbled(don't wanna dwell too much on him, he's not the reason for my write-up), and the humor was infectious overall (a great move by DC... sadly borrowing the brilliancy off the Marvel team)

Most importantly, was the villain... STEPPENWOLF!!!

I thought: "Dear Lord! no character has ever been this formidable. Hallelujah!"
and my thoughts funnily rolled on: "In your face marvel... I dare your Thanos to be this BIG, BAD and most importantly... AWESOME!"
IF ONLY I HAD A TEENY-WEENY ITSY BITSY LITTLE IDEA OF WHAT MARVEL HAD UP THEIR SLEEVE... I would know better than celebrate. #teardropsformybelovedDC

Marvel comics took the whole superhero game to a complete new level. Thanos is the total package for everything you secretly desire of a superhero who unfortunately isn't.


He is your very unusual type of villain. He doesn't start focused and gets distracted at the latter end. Just so some shallow naive audience would leave with a false sense of "Yay! Evil NEVER wins" (If you belong to this kind of audience... you are in for the shock of your Marvel lives... lmao). But this kinda villain should be no news to Game of Throners.

He doesn't deny his emotions and yet, neither does he give into them (This is seen in the scene where he had to sacrifice someone he loved... who would have thought the completely convincing Thanos-who-seems-to-care-for-no-one was only a face he put on, even the one he loved had no idea SHE... ALONE! held the keys to his heart. He loved her and unbelievably with every fiber of his person)

Thanos is brilliant... he knows what he wants and he has it all figured out. Oh Yes! He was that brilliant. Well calculated in his plottings. This brilliancy is noticeably displayed in a scene where he tricks Gamora into thinking she had him discomfited and he therefore wasn't gonna get access to the soul stone which only she knew where its location was. Only for her to realise she played right into his hands and she was totally a billion steps behind him... One is tempted to think this dude became God in the process.

As much as we would love failure and death to be Thanos' lot at the end of the day... lets be objective for once, Thanos was justified in his actions (He is kind enough to explain his reasons for the action he was seeking to take which no one cared to listen to...). Please be kind enough to do him that favor of hearing him out when you go watch that movie and you'd realise that just like the image below... Thanos was defined by what he knew and didn't know.

Most of humanity are sold out to the theory of its either you're good or you're bad. You are either wrong or right. It's either black or white. Now! Thanos feels he's right though the avenger beg to differ... Notwithstanding, Thanos plots and effectively brings every living thing to their knees.

What am I trying to say in all of these? Thanos was the most beautiful of villainous characters ever brought to the TV screen and this time, human naivety wasn't indulged in the development of this character... and childish fantasies of Good-guys-win-Bad-guys-lose, was impressively shattered when they made Thanos the Good Bad Guy (Yes! the paradox was intended)

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