
I was genuinely surprised by Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. I wasn’t expecting much going into the theater, but I am happy to say that it’s actually very funny. The characters are hilarious, especially Jack Black and Dwayne Johnson. Jack Black hasn’t been in too many movies lately, but I feel like this will bring him back into the loop. The CGI is good, but nothing special. Kevin Hart is funny, but his character is a little two-dimensional. The videogame aspects of this movie are pretty funny, too, and anyone who has played video games would understand the tour guide and other jokes along those lines. Besides Kevin Hart, some of the characters could have been fleshed-out more and there are some minor plot wholes. Overall, I think Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a fun movie and give it a 7.5/10.

Aku benar-benar terkejut oleh Jumanji: Selamat datang di Jungle. Saya tidak berharap banyak masuk ke teater, tetapi saya senang mengatakan bahwa itu sangat lucu. Karakternya lucu, terutama Jack Black dan Dwayne Johnson. Jack Black belum terlalu banyak menonton film belakangan ini, tetapi saya merasa ini akan membawanya kembali ke dalam lingkaran. CGI itu bagus, tapi tidak ada yang istimewa. Kevin Hart memang lucu, tapi karakternya sedikit dua dimensi. Aspek videogame dari film ini cukup lucu juga, dan siapa pun yang telah memainkan video game akan memahami pemandu tur dan lelucon lainnya di sepanjang garis tersebut. Selain Kevin Hart, beberapa karakter bisa menjadi lebih menonjol dan ada beberapa alur kecil. Secara keseluruhan, saya pikir Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle adalah film yang menyenangkan dan memberikannya 7,5 / 10.

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