Do's And Don'ts: In Watching 'A Quiet Place'


I've been really waiting for this movie ever since I saw the trailer last February. It was intriguing in a sense that would make you think how a family can survive whatever it is that was hunting them.
Is it possible to survive just by not making any noise? Plus Evelyn, one of the protagonist played by Emily Blunt—whom I admire so deeply for her acting skills—was pregnant and about to give birth.
Can you imagine giving birth in silence?!Nah!

So last night was the day I've been waiting for. I have friends who despise horror movies,"it is grey and boring" they said. But still they agreed to watch the movie with me.


To be honest, I thought I already knew how the movie will go based on the trailer, but boy I was wrong! The movie has such a great twist. It can make you laugh a little, cry of heartbreak , and most of all, scream, and it really took me on the edge of the seat...
and I need to remind myself that this is not a review for this fantastic film but a list of DO's and DONT's

our face whenever we try to get serious.

So focusing now on our List of Do's and Dont's (based on our experience)

Do invite friends or someone to watch with you.

Aside from the fact that it is scary. Having someone with you can intensify the "feels." Imagine jolting and screaming alone. #NotCool

Don't seat directly in front of someone.

It's either you'll get hit by their flying kick or they'll secretly laugh and make fun of you whenever you jump out of your seat. #DespicableUnderlings

Do eat first before watching.

You don't want your tummy rumbling while watching. #Awkward

Don't bring your food inside.

Just for this film, please don't bring food inside if you can't help it and you really find joy in eating while watching please try to chew discreetly, without any noise! #MostAnnoyingAwardGoesToYou

Do have patience on the first part of the movie.

Yeah it was kind of slow and quiet because duh? Why would it be called "A Quiet Place!" Kidding aside it was just building up all your senses. #DontBeAJudgee

Don't Hurt People Beside You

Yes it would be intense but please get a grip on yourself. #HorrorOrAction

Do scream!

Because you can't just help it. #Aaaarghh

Do or Don't Drink Caffeine.

Do drink if you want to boost your senses—jolt and scream twice.
Don't if you're naturally Skittish. #CaffeineIsTheAnswer

So that's it! Once again I highly recommend #AQuietPlace. Try not to miss it

Who are we if we can’t protect them?
We have to protect them.
- Evelyn Abbott

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