Blade Runner 2049 - Quick Review


If you were wondering if its worth it to go and see the new Blade Runner movie then you only need to ask the following questions to yourself:

  • Im I a fan of the original?
  • Do I like the deep brooding, heavy sci fi films of late 60's 70's in the tradition of 2001: A Space Odyssey?
  • Do I like it when every single shot is a work of art?
  • Do I like a incredible score and deep atmosphere?

If the answer is yes to any of these. Go and see it on the big screen. It is all of these and more. A rare treat these days between all the superhero movies to see a mature artwork of cinema like this. So so sad its flopping at the box office. If any film needs our support its this one. I enjoyed every second of this film as someone who loves film, photography, art and sound.

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